OT: 2024 Weather Thread

Thats a flipside. My own take is all dem EV cars they're trying to swindle us on.

What a gongshow though eh if our power grid can't handle this. no joking aside we can't handle all the demands on electricity that are being propped up as "green".

But people using some space heaters to heat their home to stop pipes bursting and stuff if a furnace breaks. I guess I shouldn't recommend it if furnace is working. but if it isn't...
Apparently the power grid is under a lot of strain, so only use space heaters if absolutely necessary.

Many of the new apartment complexes in Edmonton use large electric furnaces. One for each suite. This is considered the "green" option.

They are loud, very expensive to operate, use alot of power, and are set to pump cold air for 30 seconds before shutting down after a warm-up. Apparantly to protect it from damaging residual heat or something, something...

Power issues will get worse, and the quality of renters lives will lower, as very little thought goes toward issues when Virtue Signalling.

Love this weather though! :)
Comparing the batteries we use in our remote control to an EV battery is not a great equivalency. There is so much valuable material to be used in the EV battery and so much is being done on that front, just like the oil and gas industry has taken leaps and bounds so will the EV industry. In addition there is lots of research going into the reuse of EV batteries as household storage. For example a depleted EV battery could still store 3 days of a household use. Pair that with a solar installation and things get interesting quick.

I have spent my career in the oil and gas industry, our product will be used for decades to come. That said the EV industry is evolving, fast and it’s fascinating to watch happen. It is not as perfect as it’s made out to be, not close, but it’s an amazing technology and one of the most enjoyable vehicles I have driven.
I was comparing the recylcling of Li-On batteries to Li-On batteries. How is that poor equivalency. The EV Li-Ons are just much larger. But again where are the recycling initiatives. Not sure I'd want to be running my house with an expired potentially dangerous Li-On battery either.

Theres just no way I'm going to invest in an EV car with batteries so expensive, and the many risks with them. Not to mention the exorbitant costs of charging and having charging port installed and such.

If EV becomes a cheaper option than ICE than interest starts. Not until then. But ICE rules. It has all the economy of scale. EV can't compete.

Its not feasible and not close to being feasible for the most part in Canada due to such things as climate, size of country, average commutes etc.

I would hate driving an EV vehicle in this kind of weather and running out of power suddenly and unexpectedly.
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Theres just no way I'm going to invest in an EV car with batteries so expensive, and the many risks with them. Not to mention the exorbitant costs of charging and having charging port installed and such.

If EV becomes a cheaper option than ICE than interest starts. Not until then. But ICE rules. It has all the economy of scale. EV can't compete.

Its not feasible and not close to being feasible for the most part in Canada due to such things as climate, size of country, average commutes etc.

I would hate driving an EV vehicle in this kind of weather and running out of power suddenly and unexpectedly.
At some point in the future everyone will be using EV..You'll be dead by then so don't worry about it.
Theres just no way I'm going to invest in an EV car with batteries so expensive, and the many risks with them. Not to mention the exorbitant costs of charging and having charging port installed and such.

If EV becomes a cheaper option than ICE than interest starts. Not until then. But ICE rules. It has all the economy of scale. EV can't compete.

Its not feasible and not close to being feasible for the most part in Canada due to such things as climate, size of country, average commutes etc.

I would hate driving an EV vehicle in this kind of weather and running out of power .suddenly and unexpectedly.
Fair enough, but a few things to consider.

We didn’t spend a dime on charging infrastructure for our house, we have trickle charged in a regular circuit for over a year. It has only needed supercharging once. Its in a heated garage, that makes a huge difference but Level 2 charging is not a necessity.

As for driving in this weather I have driven both vehicles in this weather and the EV is way more comfortable as the heat pump makes it very comfortable. It is far, far less likely to break down than our other car, but yes, the range penalty is pretty severe in this weather but for running around town it’s fine. So its not ready to take out of town in this weather but we’ve got an ice for that.

You are bang on in that it’s not the solution for everything, everywhere, which is what makes this so interesting as the ICE was the solution everywhere. I imagine when we replace the ICE we will get a plug in hybrid and so have that along with an EV moving forward being a great combination.
You'll be dead by then so don't worry about it.

Batteries can be recycled and disposed of easily compared to the ecological nightmare of cleaning up oil and gas wells that the oil companies walk away from and leave as a provincial tax burden.
Upper management and Board Directors should be personally liable for clean up of abandoned wells instead of just letting the companies going under and starting anew the next day.
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Batteries of many types have been around since I was born. Recylcing of batteries has ALWAYS been a sore point and still today range from negligible recycling and proper disposal to amounts like 5-8% being recycled. Li-ons are incredibly toxic and so poorly streamed and recycled. Li-on has been around for a longtime and are poorly recycled, and yet are worth money.

I do suspect EV recycling will be much more common but as with all successful recycling schemes it needs to be for money. For the bucks.

People can get money for recyclables. Why are batteries not a payback scheme? Why have they never been?

For instance people should be able to get money back for current normal auto batteries. Why has this never been the case or encouraged?

It seems as if in the case of batteries people should just do it of goodwill, and that doesn't always work out.

Cities could do a lot more too. I'm not crazy about transporting old batteries inside my vehicle INTERIOR which could even be dangerous. You'd think a city could arrange a once a year pick up for such and that would be of great benefit and result in a lot more compliance if there was curbside pickup. There should be on a once per year basis. We can't afford not to be doing things like that. Needs to be more curbside pick up schemes. At least occasionally offered.

People complain about abandoned oil wells and such In effect whereas every sold and spent battery not properly returned, recycled is "abandoned". Those improperly returned are worse, they cause fires, explosions and untold toxicity at landfills and potential leaching etc.

Battery recycle rates are shockingly bad. An utter failure.

But heres a last thing to consider. Thefts of even catalytic converters and such have been rampant here and costing tons of money to people having to replace out of pocket. An incredible expense. The first thought i have about EV batteries is thefts. With these batteries costing neighborhood of 10K to replace. This is already occurring in several jurisdictions. Its just the next crime coming. Consumers as per usual eating all the costs.
There's a $20 core charge that you get back when you turn in the core when you buy a battery.
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Isn’t there like a total meltdown in Ecuador these days? Be careful.

Thanks! We were pretty worried when we saw the news and tried to change plans to stay in Panama a few more days but couldn’t.

But it’s been zero problems and honestly I feel more unsafe in somewhere like Chicago than here. We use prearranged licensed guides for our tours and like any big city you avoid known danger areas.

Most of the issues are in Guayaquil and along the northern border with Columbia which we aren’t near.

Apparently a lot of the photos that hit Twitter were from police training exercises weeks ago for Quito’s new subway that opened in December. The photos went viral and the media did what the media does - get hysterical for clicks and ratings.

The people here support the measures as they are sick and tired of the cartels and corruption.

Anyway we fly to the Galápagos Islands now for 10 days before we head to Chile! Really enjoying our trip so far especially listening to the Oilers keep on winning!
Well, the wealthy anyway. The rest can walk. ;)

Pretty sure everyone alive today will also be dead by then. Probably many of their kids too depending on life expectancy.
sure k maybe. so no worries!

At some point they won't be using EV's, they won't have personal vehicles period.
that works too. less stuff is nice
but I need my feeling of superiority to live on
This forum could power Canada in that case!
FWIW, moved to Kelowna Nov 2022 after born and raised in Edmonton for 39 years. Always had gas furnace in Edmonton in my home. Now have only heat pumps.

98% of the year it is absolutely perfect - bearing in mind we are in a very efficient new build, and Kelowna is nowhere near as cold as Edmonton... usually. Last year we got to -33 for three days and the heat pumps struggled. We had to turn one off to keep the two others running at max power and the ambient air temp was about 12 or 13 degrees max for those days. Right now the house is perfectly fine and it was -29 outside when we woke.

A lot of this debate around heat pumps vs gas furnace leaves out the very important consideration of home efficiency. My old bungalow in Laurier stunk, and my utility bills were obscene. Here I pay only electric, no nat gas anywhere on the property, and life is good.
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At some point they won't be using EV's, they won't have personal vehicles period.
This is the case, if anyone thinks everyone will be able to have an EV I think that is probably not the case. It will be a ride-share or some other initiative (no long trips).
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