The recycling of EV batteries is absolutey in its newborn stage due to the fact that supply today is pretty limited. Fast forward 15 years or so and that changes rapidly and the raw materials are very valuable and recoverable. Things will change. We have to remember that the EV industry has only recently taken off, the pace of change will be high. What we know today will change quickly.
We have one EV, one ice, it’s the perfect combination for now and the EV doesn’t change our overall peak load at all, we are still on the same service.
Batteries of many types have been around since I was born. Recylcing of batteries has ALWAYS been a sore point and still today range from negligible recycling and proper disposal to amounts like 5-8% being recycled. Li-ons are incredibly toxic and so poorly streamed and recycled. Li-on has been around for a longtime and are poorly recycled, and yet are worth money.
I do suspect EV recycling will be much more common but as with all successful recycling schemes it needs to be for money. For the bucks.
People can get money for recyclables. Why are batteries not a payback scheme? Why have they never been?
For instance people should be able to get money back for current normal auto batteries. Why has this never been the case or encouraged?
It seems as if in the case of batteries people should just do it of goodwill, and that doesn't always work out.
Cities could do a lot more too. I'm not crazy about transporting old batteries inside my vehicle INTERIOR which could even be dangerous. You'd think a city could arrange a once a year pick up for such and that would be of great benefit and result in a lot more compliance if there was curbside pickup. There should be on a once per year basis. We can't afford not to be doing things like that. Needs to be more curbside pick up schemes. At least occasionally offered.
People complain about abandoned oil wells and such In effect whereas every sold and spent battery not properly returned, recycled is "abandoned". Those improperly returned are worse, they cause fires, explosions and untold toxicity at landfills and potential leaching etc.
Battery recycle rates are shockingly bad. An utter failure.
But heres a last thing to consider. Thefts of even catalytic converters and such have been rampant here and costing tons of money to people having to replace out of pocket. An incredible expense. The first thought i have about EV batteries is thefts. With these batteries costing neighborhood of 10K to replace. This is already occurring in several jurisdictions. Its just the next crime coming. Consumers as per usual eating all the costs.