Alberta DOES realize that. Ottawa does not.
In anycase another comment on rising CO2 levels as any gardener here knows their garden has never been better. At this latitude increased growing season, earlier planting, and plants that grow like crazy. My parents never had tomato plants this size, they weren't growing grapes, Peppers, generally considered warmer weather annuals . On a global scale Earth is GREENING, just like the geologic record shows it has many times before. Increasing and decreasing temps on Earth is undeniable and temps have always been in flux rather than static. The Climate alarmists WANT to assume that the quicker phasing of temp changes due to CO2 is cataclysmic. To me it harkens the age old theoretical constructs between Geology (Science) and Mythology (Belief in Cataclysm.) The Science of Geology adheres that earth processes are a result of uniformity, of constant processes that occasionally result in dramatic tectonic or other events. But the gears driving it are thought to be uniform processes.
But Science has been confused on the global warming. Now, instead of believing in uniformity of processes, and the Earth being a unique biosphere with homeostatic properties they are now believing in Cataclysm in respect to global warming. Its described as an end of the world as we know it process despite the Earth having survived many events and Humans being most adaptive creatures.
Much of the literature is undeniable. The Earth is greening. Nasa photos show this. Plants are increasingly uptaking CO2 and benefitting from it. Photosynthesis is aided just like any formula would suggest it would do. This could, and maybe even should be taken as processses of homeostasis in action. Of the biosphere continuing to adapt. Of Homeostasis properties continuing. Indeed its known and not disputed that this is occurring. However the alarmists continue to try to tell us this is only temporary, that their models show the impact is temporary, that there will be reversion, acclimation. So that plants won't continue to benefit and uptake increased CO2 levels even as geology has shown us has happened many times before and for eons of time..
So anybody should ask themselves why Science is now in bed with belief in Cataclysm rather than uniform Scientific processes or even observational processes of what is actually occurring. its interesting food for thought. Belief in Cataclysm historically is more the abode of mythology, religion, and represent such belief systems that Science and enlightenment sought to dispel. But the chief trouble with science as we know it now is that its paid for, aligned. Scientific endeavor NEEDS to be independent of political and social forces and influence. Present day Science, largely, is not.