bern is busy, so just a brief blurb for today
1. Bosox have to be concerned about Bogarts this yr, Devers after next season, walking for nothing.
2. Don't remember the exact quote verbatim but few wks ago MLB broadcast Yanks at Fenway, someone said something to effect that Stanton is best slugger ever at Fenway, better than Ruth, Gehrig, etc.
Stanton is not cheap and is getting up there but barring injury certain to deliver 4-5 really good seasons, can always DH as he slows down.
certainty of Stanton half dozen-ish yrs >> stars walk for free
3. Yanks want to parlay this to advantage so no deal.
Hopefully Gallo goes in separate deal to MIL.
NY unloads Hicks + Chapman
Other than Bradley(Jr.) all boston OFs are slow. Hurts their def -> pitching. So they take Hicks and we can eat a mil or so per if nec.
Chapman unfortunately a head case.
Still has lightning in his arm, Boston will take and flip
4. deal!
Sox get Stanton, Hicks, Chapman
Yanks get Devers, Bogarts, Jeter Downs, Bobby Dalbec, next 2 Red Sox first round selections in MLB draft
Yanks then flip Devers ++ to Nats for Soto