První zápas, první střídání a hned zranění. David Pastrňák vstoupil do play off NHL nešťastně, poranil si rameno a musel hrát přes bolest. Také proto nedokázal odvrátit nečekané vyřazení v 1. kole Stanley Cupu, Boston podlehl Floridě 3:4 na zápasy. A chuť si nejspíš hokejová hvězda nespraví ani...
Really funny article. It says, that Pasta wont come to WCH, because he was injured in the first play off game, yet the same article is quoting Pasta who is saying something like "If we advanced to second round I would be 100% fit again, its a shame".
Well strange, that he would be 100% fit for the second round which started tonight, but he will be injured for WCH which is starting in a week from now
I totally respect the guy, and this look like it was cut out of context or formulated badly by media or whatever, but dont fed us with this "excuses" bs. Just say he is tired or dont want to go cause he wanna spend time with family and rest. But dont fed us with this strange injury bs which doesnt even add up lol.
Again, it seem more like a media fault and poorly written article then Pastas fault, but I just posted it here, cause its really funny how unlogical this statement is