If you just lay out the cap situation with who the Avs currently have under contact for 24-25, you get to this:
Landy (7)- MacK (12.6)-Lehky (4.5)
Nuke (6.125)-RyJo (4.0)-Rants (9.25)
Wood (2.5)-Colton (4.0)-LOC (1.05)
Potential forwards under contract: Kovalenko (.896), Stienberg (.899), Pavel (.870), OO (.863), Foudy (.848)
Not under contract: Ritchie
Toews (7*)-Makar (9.0)
Byram (3.85)-Manson (4.5)
Girard (5.0)-____
Potential defensemen under contract: Malinski (.850) Middleton (.775)
Not under contract: Behrens, Gulyayev
Georgiev (3.4)
Potential goalies under contract: none
Not under contract: Annunen, Holm
That roster, not filling any of the blanks is 83.775m. The cap should be expected between 87-87.25m (CBA dictates negotiations have to take place to be more than 5% increase). Fill the 4th line with Kovalenko, Stienberg, and Pavel. The bottom paring with Malinski. Then Annunen as the backup at his QO (.814). You get a cap hit of 88.1m. Over the cap with a bare minimum roster, playing all prospects, and having Toews on a sweetheart deal.
All of this points to at least one player getting dumped. The least impactful dump is probably Manson, but he won't return anything (may cost if he doesn't have a good year). G is probably the most likely. RyJo could be a buyout option if he fails this year. Nuke, Lehky, and Colton are unlikely.
He can just swap his rollerblades for ice skates!