I agree with you on the first part--I think that's something that fans should all keep in mind. It was always going to be tough to start the season well considering the circumstances.
That being said, I kind of think Quinn himself is forgetting or overlooking the situation. It's going to take time for guys to get accustomed to his system, and as they struggle with that, performances--especially in terms of more talented players clicking and working together and scoring--will likely follow suit.
So what he's doing is taking guys like Lindblom and Labanc, guys who we know aren't hard-nosed, gritty types of players, but I believe can still be valuable when surrounded by the right guys, and basically punishing them because A) they're not performing offensively yet in a new system (sometimes with bad linemates) and B) they're not playing a gritty game.
Therefore, by showing this lack of patience--and some bad line construction, in my opinion--Quinn is overlooking the bigger picture and exacerbating the problems himself. Labanc and Lindblom, in my opinion, should be given at least ten games in the top six to see if they can start to gel with the guys once they start to develop chemistry within the system. Instead, what Quinn is doing is making it harder for the team to succeed and basically immediately punishing players when he--his system and his lines--have been part of the reason they've struggled.