Allow me to give a different interpretation to what is going on with the Sharks.
First, the team has gone through a lot of turnover. One-third of the roster (7 out of 23, 8 out of 24 if you include Nutivaara) is new to the organization as is the coach. They had an abbreviated and disrupted training camp because of the trip to Europe. It is no surprise that they are playing poorly under those circumstances.
Second, the lineup choices are about accountability. When Quinn was hired as coach, he was described as one, a teacher, and two, all about accountability. Holding players accountable means those who play well, in the eyes of the coach, get more ice time and responsibility; those who don't get moved down or sat. Right now, the Sharks are getting secondary scoring but little from the top six. Is is a surprise that Quinn is giving the bottom line guys more ice time?
Now, I understand many of you disagree. Understand that Quinn may value and demand different things from his players than you would. If you think LaBanc should be in the lineup, tell us what he has done well than deserves a top six spot. If you think Bonino, Lorentz, or Sturm does not deserve to move up, say what they are doing wrong. And again, remember that Quinn may be looking for different things out of his players than you are.
We're 5% into the season. I am more interested in seeing how they play the last 20 games of this season than the first 20. That is the test of whether Grier and Quinn are changing the culture of the team.