Great post dude. I'd only counter one of your Meh picks (Burns) with the same reality that is around Meier. Once they committed to moving the player, the return was always going to less that what we are used to for a player of that caliber. Until the covid cap is back to normal, i think that's the reality, and unfortunately the Sharks are the biggest offenders in having so many guys on long aging contracts. In other words, Burns was never going to go for more.
I bolded this sentiment because I think it's also important for everyone to realize that there are few scenarios, if any, where a GM comes into the situation the Sharks had and in under a year have fans "over the moon". It's perfectly OK (and bodes well for the futures) that Grier succeeded on his vision and plan with few bad moves. No GM bats 1.000%.
It feels dead horsey to still beat this drum, and i hate calling out good posters like the Melkman, but like idk how it's possible to be down on Grier after everything that's happened with context.
Thanks for the compliment, fellow dude. As far as Burns, that’s an entirely fair point and I pretty much fully agree. That’s largely why, while I was extremely underwhelmed, I put the Burns trade in the “meh” column.
As far as the rest, I 100% agree.
As an aside, I’m finding this era terribly interesting, as the Sharks haven’t ever gone through a rebuild. And as much credit as DW gets and deserves for two decades of being in the hunt for a championship, Lombardi left him with a far more complete roster and a better pool of young players and prospects without any of the encumbrances of long term iron clad high dollar contracts.
For a long part of his term Wilson was able to send assets out to land those big trades, and if he graduated one prospect every couple of years that was sufficient (or at least that’s what his actions show he thought, the Sharks perennial lack of depth come playoff time is one of the overarching themes of his tenure). Presumably, Grier will have far more opportunities to pick towards the top of the draft, but he’ll be under much greater pressure to graduate more prospects to the NHL on a regular basis.
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