Obvious Fabertism
Registered User
I also see Faber as more of a taller Spurgeon type (at full potential defensively) with really good transition and possession play. I do think he handles speed pretty well, like Brodin, which is a big plus in my book and hopefully translates to the next level. IMO, he is a guy that will help enable his teammates, making their lives easier.Gophers should have won imo. Oh well, it should make them hungry for the tourney. Faber is very patient on the ice; lots of folks hyping him, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a learning curve there. He should be compared to Spurgeon, not Brodin.
Last few times I’ve watched SCSU, Peart hasn’t looked strong, trending down imo.
I agree with 57Special about the strengths in Peart's game, I have said from the draft that I think he will need quite a bit of cooking, but he has a lot of things in his game to be intrigued by, and it is good to see him continue to develop well. I haven't watched much SCSU outside of highlights however, but it does seem like they lean on him in go to situations.