Not one single player even whispered in connection with the team.
Which, tbh, I'm ok with.
We've got our two goalies. Let all the other suck teams play musical chairs with all the suck goalies out there. We'll probably get a 3rd string guy. Grosenick is better for that than most, so maybe him, maybe somebody like Legace. Nobody we'll care much about one way or the other.
Our blueline probably needs a body, but I don't think we want to try and outbid for the Barrie/Hamilton type big guns, the older minute-eaters like Suter don't GAF about us, and there's nobody at the bottom of the pile that interests me. We probably take our Tucker Poolman and shrug. Whatevs, babe.
Forwards pretty much the same. Would love Landeskog, but he don't care. Everyone else available is too old, is only re-signing with their current team, scored 25 points last season, or any combination of the above. I'm definitely content to stand pat here and let one of our umpteen bazillion forward prospects seize a job in camp and refuse to let it go.