I understand moving Krug's contract but the problem with that is that he's still a good player, and moving him again weakens the team and creates another hole.
Leddy-Parayko and Krug-Faulk is the top 4. I think we are locked into that and when healthy, they showed promise together. Then you have 4 guys vying for 3 spots. Bortuzzo just re-signed and is a glue guy, he's not leaving. Mikkola and Perunovich have potential and moving them doesn't really solve anything cap-wise. We need to give them more games and see what we've got.
I keep going back to it but the only option to me is Scandella. You have to attach a prospect or do whatever it takes to get him out of here, IMO. The flexibility it opens up is worth it. I don't think we would even have to trade a very good prospect, I'm talking about someone like Kostin. I think a team that isn't up against the Cap would take Scandella if it meant they got a flyer on Kostin for free to go along with it, and for us it would be no loss because I'm not even counting on Kostin to compete for a roster spot in camp. Maybe you even attach a mid-round pick to those two for the cherry on top. Scandella, Kostin and a 4th to a team for nothing in return. I would be completely fine with that because we have nothing to lose there. I can't believe Scandella's contract is so bad that no team would take Kostin and a 4th for free, there's gotta be someone with the way I see other teams moving bad contracts.