Not sure about that. Recent history would suggest this, but Saad had a great year and a great playoff in a contract year. There is no guarantee you get that level of play again. Furthermore, if you had asked this question at the end of last year it would be 'The clear answer is Kadri', as it was Kadri who had a great year and great playoff.
Given Kadri's positional importance I don't think the answer is clear at all. It's also Kadri's contract year now, so there is even more motivation for him.
Edit: My big concern around Kadri is that the league will over-punishing him based on his history. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been suspended, but if he does something next year that is worthy of a fine or 1-2 games to the average player, we could see him gone for an extended period of time, and that brings in risk to a team that is depending on him in the playoffs. I don't know if we should accept that risk. And that is nothing against him, its just reality of a team in a win now situation. He would be better off playing on a team that isn't looking at anything less than a cup win as a failure.