heard from a friend someone in wuhan who takes care of people says they cannot keep up with the deaths still today is too many to bury or cremate etc... she said the numbers are all way lower then the actual amount..... good news if is any is usa does have more ways to help so should not be italy 5 % deaths right now it should be along the 1% numbers when they all finally come in.....
thing is how fast it spreads and how long till it goes away? on a surface etc.... so can be safe.... as all said wash hands drink a lot of water..... if like me stay at home
pray? etc....
the real risk is this goes to lungs 20 percent die yearly 50k people of pneumonia this directly can cause pneumonia so it sucks......
not sure of h1n1 what that effected just knew i lost a couple buddies while was in cali to it here... didnt watch much was starting a business etc... very busy plus was cali so i had to live it up sushi every other day dates partner had arena football team in san diego at san diego state so met fans handed out flyers before games etc... etc.. lol... i was really busy....
maybe this is hitting me cause of dad and thanks for those whom have said sorry etc... he was a man i didnt think could die that easy but he had pneumonia and he was just gone... never sick guy never missed work tough bigger then life sort.... was a shock.... so this is pneumonia bearing so its really depressing to me