Not enamored with either of these, especially Beagle given his age, but it's far from a tragedy most are making out. Fact is we were soft as **** and you have to overpay the FAs that have multiple suitors.
I count 14 forwards including, EP, Gaunce, Leipsic, Jake, Sven, and Gaudette. So ONLY one guy isn't going to make it. I'm sorry but if you can't beat out the likes of (past their prime) Roussel and Beagle...
There is always the possibility of waiving someone/burying in minors, even vets (Gagner?), and there are injuries.
Doubt Sutter is going anywhere. He'll be top 5 in minutes for forwards, maybe top 3. The new guys will be 3rd liners on a good day, hopefully taking only the tougher minutes from the young guys. Their dzs% supports this.
A lot of crying here over Aqua's money. The contracts are minor in the grand scheme of things and presumably can be bought out in the later years. Won't prevent any post ELC resignings.