Ranger Wolf
Red Dwarf XI & XII
Regardless of his intentions the Rangers could really use his passion. Not that AV would play him.
It was a silver medal.
And? It's his to do with whatever he wants. He didn't hurt anyone with it, aside from the millennials who are crying over how "unsportsmanlike" it is. Give me a break.
It's not the "millenials" who are "crying" over this being "unsportsmanlike".And? It's his to do with whatever he wants. He didn't hurt anyone with it, aside from the millennials who are crying over how "unsportsmanlike" it is. Give me a break.
Reading this thread reminds me of why sometimes I'm annoyed by hockey fans. Hockey fans make up rules about "class" and "respect" that have ZERO relevance to anything. Seriously, ZERO people were in any way shape or form hurt by Lias's actions.
Mostly the people complaining about respect are the same people that 10-20 years ago were cheering on goons whose sole purpose was either to fight or hurt someone. @Machinehead mentioned something that got lost in this thread. Mark Messier was one dirty SOB. He's universally respected and a lot of that is BECAUSE he was so dirty. You know, he was a good tough hockey player. When someone mentions that he's a dirty player people just say "that's hockey" or "that was hockey back then". This isn't the 1650s, this was 20-30 years ago. Deliberately trying to hurt someone shouldn't be thrown under the rug because "it was a different game back then".
Look at this beautiful perfectly classy hockey player that everyone on this board drools over:
That was just over 20 years ago.
Here's a documentary lauding Messier called ****ing "goals and elbows".
It literally doesn’t matter what his intention was. It matters what his action was.
Intent is always a considerationIt literally doesn’t matter what his intention was. It matters what his action was.
And? It's his to do with whatever he wants. He didn't hurt anyone with it, aside from the millennials who are crying over how "unsportsmanlike" it is. Give me a break.
I love my good old Millennial bashing as much as anyone. But I think it's the older generation that's obsessed with class.
Its the same old people that talk about "the code" and that modern sports are soft... Just whiny old folks who can't take their time is over.I love my good old Millennial bashing as much as anyone. But I think it's the older generation that's obsessed with class.
This isn't about Messier. This is about hockey fans glorifying dirty plays and dirty players. You bringing up other players that did it back in the day inadvertently strengthens my point. For decades and to this day those 70s, 80s, and 90s, players and the style of hockey played back then has been glorified by the same fans that cry CLASSLESS every time something completely inconsequential happens because it's disrespectful to the invisible force called "the game" or "the tournament". Meanwhile actual human beings had their health ruined because of the style of play these people glorify.
You could simply leave it as there are differences between fans that came of age during the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's and those who grew up in the age of Bettman and/or after the lockout. Whether it's better now than it was then--well that's debatable. If you think however that today's fans are somehow superior to yesteryear's that's laughable. You will always find good people and bad people wherever you go but most people are somewhere in a lighter gray area. I'm sure you can find of plenty of people to argue the pros and cons of that with in any case on whether Gretzky's or Orr's times are better than Crosby's or McDavid's time. IMO--it's the same game and at the same time it's a different game--like anything else it's evolving into something different than it was.
As for the players who 'had their health ruined'---they're pretty much the same players that Bettman and today's owners are trying to walk away from. They're the ones that are denying for instance all the concussion issues.
It's not his teammates I'm thinking about. They wouldn't initiate the congratulatory handshakes after getting their silver medals like the Canadians had the class to do for the Americans the previous year. I'm sure their emotional roller coaster was just as steep in that moment. The Swedes could have cared less as Dahlin's post interview displayed. Many of them are that one small step away from the professional stage. It's the message sent to thousands of younger hockey players that have I have a harder time with.
It's not that big of a deal will people remember it? Of course they will but will it define his career not the slightest
And? It's his to do with whatever he wants. He didn't hurt anyone with it, aside from the millennials who are crying over how "unsportsmanlike" it is. Give me a break.
If he was a good old Canadian boy he'd be praised for it.
And? It's his to do with whatever he wants. He didn't hurt anyone with it, aside from the millennials who are crying over how "unsportsmanlike" it is. Give me a break.
Exactly that's the first thing I thought it will be soon forgottenI thought Buch mocking the bench was much worse, and it was forgotten like a few weeks later...
Well millennials love their "loser trophies " so of course they will be offended that he threw his away.