Watch-out for Fireworks 2nite from TC's PP!
Watch-out for Fireworks from Team Canada's Power-Play 2Nite...But maybe NOT - surprisingly enough, considering their gaudy scoring efficiency thus far - the Kind We Like...
The moment I saw this year's 1-3-1 pp, which we used to call The Umbrella, I harkened back to BOTH the 2009 and 2010 World Junior Tourneys, which employed same system...
I'm hesitant to share this, cause it sounds all but impossible , in such a short tourney ( plus I'm WAY too lazy to look anything up ), Still, if memory serves, our 2009 WJ team went a fantastical 21 of 42 in the tourney on pp. Recall, we had ' nerves of steel ' Ellis at the back-end, stradling the blue, in lone wolf role,PK played what I call the rover position, and he really had a nose for this, like a shark scenting blood in the water...recall he scored a big pp goal, the first goal, in the Gold game vs that ' comic relief ' Markstrom and company...We had ' magic mitts' John Tavares for that patented backdoor play, NO ONE was ever better...recall he scored a memorable hi-lite reel goal, again backdoor, from his off wing...
Fast forward to the 2010 tourney, and vs Team Yankee, how can I put this? THE WHEELS of that scoring machine that was the 1-3-1, FELL OFF! . JT was gone, although we still had Ellis, and, if memory serves, Petroangelo took over PK's role as rover...Not quite the same firepower, ...Still personel, or lack thereof, wasn't the main problem...
The Yankee Brain-trust found an effective counter for 1-3-1...Hell's Bell's they were a bigger threat to score on PK than Our Boyz on pp ?!" I recall what they did, but it feels like bad luck, so I'm NOT gonna say.. But I Will Say this...Like an Elephant...
THAT DAMN YANKEE BRAIN-TRUST ( insert worried emoticon ici ) NEVER FORGETS !!!
Five Pense ( as in pensive ) for ur thoughts...ladies and gents?
Alright, I's an afternoon match...still it will feel like a nightgame/ all doom and gloom, if what I'm worried might happen, happens