2017-18 Kings News/Rumors/Tidbits

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Enjoy the chaos
Jul 1, 2003
Just wait until they lose six straight again. This is a streaky team. Streaky teams aren't usually teams which contend for a Stanley Cup, because it is hard for a streaky team to avoid a "bad streak" over two months of playoff games.

I agree. Honestly, I do think one of the things they will miss under Sutter is the even-keeled attitude, where they don't get too high or too low. I'm not quite sure Stevens knows how to manage that.

But all things considered, they have more going for them than many other teams in the league.


Blake Out of Hell III: Back in to Hell
Mar 11, 2003
Belmont Shore, CA
The "smugness"--if we want to say there is a smugness issue--goes both ways as it is evident after most wins as well, no matter how poorly played the win is; however, this is a small outlier of posters just as the "always negative" segment is small as well. Problem is there is a somewhat silent majority and those that fall in either segment of these outliers are the "loudest" posters, for lack of a better term. The poster and post that states "Gaborik looks good tonight" or "Gaborik could do better on that play" is going to get lost in the shuffle of "Kopitar is a clown for having two bad games" or "When Carter is back, this team is the top Cup contender and will be again next year when LaDue and Vilardi make the team".

Personally, I'm generally glass half-full since I've been front and center at Staples for 15 seasons and only six of them led to playoff appearances with only three of those providing at least one series win. 2012-'14 gives me the knowledge that anything is possible and I cheer for this team just as much as the most optimistic posters on this board.

The board has definitely lost several good posters, which happens. Myself and guys like Ziggy and Reaper have seen them all come and go. We've never changed our posting style though and neither has K17/Herby/Racoon/Cruel/Bandit/Tikk/Chazz/KP and the rest of the long-timers. The optimists are still the optimists and the pessimists are still pessimists: just need to ignore the noise from the lunatic fringes and not take the bait.
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Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
Just wait until they lose six straight again. This is a streaky team. Streaky teams aren't usually teams which contend for a Stanley Cup, because it is hard for a streaky team to avoid a "bad streak" over two months of playoff games.
Look at this teams make up, it's not the Stanley Cup team roster of experience and depth as the 2012 or 2014 had.Look at the depth on defense we had and leaders.I too want this team and core to win cups and of course be very successful,but I'm not blind or going to act like a homer and pretend this team is something it's not.This team isn't now a Stanley Cup team nor has it been the last few seasons.More work needs to be done to change that before the core gets older and window closes.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
Why do people seem to want this team to fail just to be able to say they were able to predict that the team would fail?

Why can't we just enjoy the fact that we're watching a team that's mildly exciting on most nights--which is a big change from the past three seasons--instead of predicting this inevitable fall?
Speaking the truth and not being a fan with blinders on or in denial isn't wanting this team to fail.It actually means we give a crap and see the issues with this team that we've been calling out the last few seasons.The roster needs to be fixed before this team is a serious contender.Thats looking at many of the Stanley Cup teams of the past and Kings last two rosters.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
Mr raccoon i pose u a question that i would also like others to chime in and answer but i want your opinion of it. When does honest criticism cross the line into full time complaining ? I mean there are a few posters in here i can't remember them posting a positive post in the last 3 years I mean fine to be critical but there has to be a balance with some positive doesn't it ?

So if you don't like the truth with a detail explanation or a honset opinion you want to restrict free speech cause it doesn't agree with your opinion?Let me be a mod and start accusing you of complaining cause everyone doesn't agree with your opinion,would that be fair?No it wouldn't.You can have a serious discussion or debate with people you don't agree with on the subject,or ignore them.People who I don't always agree with on here on ever those who have posted heated responses to me,know I give them likes when I do agree cause this isn't personal.
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Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
The "smugness"--if we want to say there is a smugness issue--goes both ways as it is evident after most wins as well, no matter how poorly played the win is; however, this is a small outlier of posters just as the "always negative" segment is small as well. Problem is there is a somewhat silent majority and those that fall in either segment of these outliers are the "loudest" posters, for lack of a better term. The poster and post that states "Gaborik looks good tonight" or "Gaborik could do better on that play" is going to get lost in the shuffle of "Kopitar is a clown for having two bad games" or "When Carter is back, this team is the top Cup contender and will be again next year when LaDue and Vilardi make the team".

Personally, I'm generally glass half-full since I've been front and center at Staples for 15 seasons and only six of them led to playoff appearances with only three of those providing at least one series win. 2012-'14 gives me the knowledge that anything is possible and I cheer for this team just as much as the most optimistic posters on this board.

The board has definitely lost several good posters, which happens. Myself and guys like Ziggy and Reaper have seen them all come and go. We've never changed our posting style though and neither has K17/Herby/Racoon/Cruel/Bandit/Tikk/Chazz/KP and the rest of the long-timers. The optimists are still the optimists and the pessimists are still pessimists: just need to ignore the noise from the lunatic fringes and not take the bait.

I am a long time member here, longer than 2010 but my original name was locked out and had to add the 28 at the end in 2010.I just never really posted on here cause I posted on LetGoKings since 2007 for many years and paid for a membership.Then it slowed down and came back over here full time.I've posted positive and negative and in between over the years on both boards.

I am a fair judge of this team and post my heart and opinion.Been a fan of the Kings since 1982 as a 11 year old watching hockey for the first time and loving it on KCAL channel 5 at my grandmothers house if I remember right.Some on here i recognize as members of LGK or former posters.I know K17 from LGK and Fishy and I go way back in the political debate section on LGK and many many more that are on here but don't post much.

Some people take these boards way to serious and need to relax and have fun with debates and the discussions that may or may not agree with your opinion.One thing we all have in common is we love our team and want them to be successful.

Nobody I know on here or have I ever read wants this team to not be successful.Let's stop the personal feelings and enjoy the debates we've cause we have different opinions to share.We're all Kings fans.
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Registered User
Jul 8, 2009
Thunder Bay Ont. Can
So if you don't like the truth with a detail explanation or a honset opinion you want to restrict free speech cause it doesn't agree with your opinion?Let me be a mod and start accusing you of complaining cause everyone doesn't agree with your opinion,would that be fair?No it wouldn't.You can have a serious discussion or debate with people you don't agree with on the subject,or ignore them.People who I don't always agree with on here on ever those who have posted heated responses to me,know I give them likes when I do agree cause this isn't personal.
IMO not posting anything positive in 3 years is to much negative. It is a opinion like you have of the team. I actually feel sorry for people like that as they see no joy at all I also question whether there truly king fans. I don't mind constructive criticism. On occasion i do it myself but if a poster doesn't say anything positive in my memory I personally think it crosses into straight up whining. Also people complained when i kept bringing up Dwight Kings mins for all them years yet are the same ones saying the same thing over and over and over at nausea. You are not the only one doing it and it becomes rather annoying reading the same crap over ad over. As to your mod bs statement i have had that and now looking back i agree with whats he said. Why only post negative responses ? Its is to me like your trying to bring down peoples enjoyment with negativity I personally am tired of it. Yes its one person stating it and i am be the only one however i have as much right to post it as you have to post your negative crap however i never make it personal which you do well worded enough to let it fly by mods but personal if ur the one being put down. LMAO you don't make it personal omg you can't be serious with that one Thank you for the laugh because ur well worded attacks to the people you craft are well done enough to get by mods here but are personal attacks to thoses you mention.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
IMO not posting anything positive in 3 years is to much negative. It is a opinion like you have of the team. I actually feel sorry for people like that as they see no joy at all I also question whether there truly king fans. I don't mind constructive criticism. On occasion i do it myself but if a poster doesn't say anything positive in my memory I personally think it crosses into straight up whining. Also people complained when i kept bringing up Dwight Kings mins for all them years yet are the same ones saying the same thing over and over and over at nausea. You are not the only one doing it and it becomes rather annoying reading the same crap over ad over. As to your mod bs statement i have had that and now looking back i agree with whats he said. Why only post negative responses ? Its is to me like your trying to bring down peoples enjoyment with negativity I personally am tired of it. Yes its one person stating it and i am be the only one however i have as much right to post it as you have to post your negative crap however i never make it personal which you do well worded enough to let it fly by mods but personal if ur the one being put down. LMAO you don't make it personal omg you can't be serious with that one Thank you for the laugh because ur well worded attacks to the people you craft are well done enough to get by mods here but are personal attacks to thoses you mention.

It looks as if you're taking this personal.I'm sorry if anything I've worded made you upset, it's just a debate and place where people can come to and have a difference of opinion and share their thoughts.This isn't a place where you can tell someone what opinion they must post to appease a single opinion for example.

I've been a Kings fan and actually from SoCal 37 year fan at that,before Gretzky.Back in 2014 I was first inline and stood there for 4 hours just to see the 2014 cup and take a picture with it in Colo in that year when the team played its preseason game in Colorado Springs.I posted positive and negative post thru the years on many boards.

I do again apologize if my opinion on many levels has upset you and I'll do a better job of breaking down my points even better and more detail in the future.This is a discussion board and shouldn't ever be taken seriously.If it lowers the blood pressure on here to answer your question no lol,I've never taken anything anyone said personally cause it's hilarious to do so.I respond in the matter others do, it's a respect thing.

Again as previously mentioned on another earlier post,I give likes to everyone when I agree with a post comment or opinion even those like you that may disagree with my post or have a personal difference and refuse to give me a like.

That proves I don't take this personal.Feel free in the future to ask me for clarification on Kings post or something that maybe confusing so I can clear it up.GoKingsGo
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Registered User
Jul 8, 2009
Thunder Bay Ont. Can
It looks as if you're taking this personal.I'm sorry if anything I've worded made you upset, it's just a debate and place where people can come to and have a difference of opinion and share their thoughts.This isn't a place where you can tell someone what opinion they must post to appease a single opinion for example.I'm just as a hardcore fan than you and actually from SoCal 37 year fan at that,before Gretzky.I posted positive and negative post thru the years on many boards.I do again apologize if my opinion on many levels has upset you and I'll do a better job of breaking down my points even better and more detail in the future.This is a discussion board and shouldn't ever be taken seriously.If it lowers the blood pressure on here to answer your question no lol,I've never taken anything anyone said personally cause it's hilarious to do so.I respond in the matter others do, it's a respect thing.Again as previously mentioned on another earlier post,I give likes to everyone,even those like you that may disagree with my post or have a personal difference on post I agree with.That proves I don't take this personal.Feel free in the future to ask me for clarification on Kings post or something that maybe confusing so I can clear it up.GoKingsGo

No this may seem harsh its not intended to be nothing but the truth Nothing anyone writes on a website is going to be taken personal enough by me to be upset over You don't have that power. No one does. However it doesn't mean i can't see it as a personal attack when i see it. Its not the fact that your opinion is negative or you point out negative things On occasion I believe it or not agree with some things u post. The thing that gets me going is I can't remember the last positive thing you posted forgave me i may have missed a post or two or yours i don't read every post but for the most part i can't recall you posting something positive. Also may try posting some solutions you would like to see or players that u think would work Something like that every now and then would help me deal with the amount of negativity you post. I am a long time Kings fan from 1976 from Thunder Bay were the games started after i went to bed as a kid and i would wake up early to hear the 6 am sports just to catch a score on the radio. The is line in a old song that sorta some s it up for me "a little sugar helps the medicine go down. and yes i can agree to Go Kings go

Raccoon Jesus

Draft em but don't play em
Oct 30, 2008
I agree. Honestly, I do think one of the things they will miss under Sutter is the even-keeled attitude, where they don't get too high or too low. I'm not quite sure Stevens knows how to manage that.

But all things considered, they have more going for them than many other teams in the league.

I agree with that. Not sure that it was a real positive towards the end though. Then again, can't think of many coaches who were able to keep their teams so stoic. chicago was always able to, but I'm not sure Q is a zen master. The rest around us melted down in various shades :laugh: then again, so did we vs the Sharks towards the end of the Sutter tenure.

But something this team was prepared to do was to keep in the game every night.
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Smartest in the Room
Apr 6, 2006
Look at this teams make up, it's not the Stanley Cup team roster of experience and depth as the 2012 or 2014 had.Look at the depth on defense we had and leaders.I too want this team and core to win cups and of course be very successful,but I'm not blind or going to act like a homer and pretend this team is something it's not.This team isn't now a Stanley Cup team nor has it been the last few seasons.More work needs to be done to change that before the core gets older and window closes.
I agree the roster doesn't have the type of depth, especially in leadership, as the 2012-2014 teams. However, I don't think the vast majority of the teams in the NHL have it either.

I want nothing more than for the guys to have success. I watched this team grow up from the ground up. I was at Dustin Brown's first scrimmage and sat with Jim Fox while he told me about his brother watching Brown play in juniors and what he thought of him.

I don't think this team will contend for a Stanley Cup, but I am hoping to be surprised.

I appreciate the open discussion we are all having here. While some of you may think I am pessimistic, I would remind you of my posts by in 2010 and 2011 leading up to 2012. No one here was more optimistic about what Dean Lombardi was doing and that it would one day lead to success. Many others wanted Dean fired in the months leading up to the first Stanley Cup. Above all, I try to be realistic.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
I agree the roster doesn't have the type of depth, especially in leadership, as the 2012-2014 teams. However, I don't think the vast majority of the teams in the NHL have it either.

I want nothing more than for the guys to have success. I watched this team grow up from the ground up. I was at Dustin Brown's first scrimmage and sat with Jim Fox while he told me about his brother watching Brown play in juniors and what he thought of him.

I don't think this team will contend for a Stanley Cup, but I am hoping to be surprised.

I appreciate the open discussion we are all having here. While some of you may think I am pessimistic, I would remind you of my posts by in 2010 and 2011 leading up to 2012. No one here was more optimistic about what Dean Lombardi was doing and that it would one day lead to success. Many others wanted Dean fired in the months leading up to the first Stanley Cup. Above all, I try to be realistic.

I didn't have a whole lot of expectations of Kings winning the cup in 2012 since we know the struggles they were having.Lets also add what had the team done since 1993 and the season was dropping out.

But Dean went out and got Carter and I knew if the Kings could get into the playoffs they could get far,just didn't know if they could win it all.

The night the Kings won in 2012,I jumped off the couch screaming bouncing up and down like a young kid celebrating after the let down in 1993 and the Adam Deadmarsh days including watching 31 years of unsuccessful playoff runs.


Smartest in the Room
Apr 6, 2006
I didn't have a whole lot of expectations of Kings winning the cup in 2012 since we know the struggles they were having.Lets also add what had the team done since 1993 and the season was dropping out.

But Dean went out and got Carter and I knew if the Kings could get into the playoffs they could get far,just didn't know if they could win it all.

The night the Kings won in 2012,I jumped off the couch screaming bouncing up and down like a young kid celebrating after the let down in 1993 and the Adam Deadmarsh days including watching 31 years of unsuccessful playoff runs.

I had the good fortune of seeing both Stanley Cup clinching games in person. I didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the Lewis empty netter in 2012, and thought to myself, My God I am going to see something few hockey fans get to witness in their lifetimes, my team's captain is going to hoist the Stanley Cup right here in front of me and my family and all of our friends.

Then in 2014 I was sitting next to a really young boy. I told him during the last intermission to try to stay awake because he was going to see every goal scored of this game right in front of him (we were sitting at the end where all the goals had been scored that night). Sure enough Martinez did it. Great times, and I hope Kopitar can lead them to another cup.

Raccoon Jesus

Draft em but don't play em
Oct 30, 2008
But Dean went out and got Carter and I knew if the Kings could get into the playoffs they could get far ,just didn't know if they could win it all.

I love this, and I guess I'm curious why this attitude has changed around here? Because that's exactly my feeling now. No, I don't know WHAT they'll do in the playoffs, but I'd love to see what happens if they get there. I know this isn't a Cup favorite team (like we were in 2015, LOL at how that went) but they still have THE elite core of players we know and love.

I remember our last minute stumble to end up vs. Vancouver in 2012 and the collective deep sign of facing the Canucks instead of...the Coyotes? This team loves to make it hard on us, but that makes it so much more fun when it goes well. But even in 2012 and 2014, the team looked like it had holes, had many regular season issues, and then pulled it all together. The teams that on paper DIDNT have any holes or blew away the regular season (2015, even 2010 comes to mind), they fell apart. That's why I'm loving what we're seeing right now--a team not good enough to believe their own press clipping or that they can't improve, yet good enough to push hard every night for a playoff spot. Easy President's Trophy makes teams complacent.


Los Angeles Kings - We're Back!
Oct 25, 2006
Over the decades hope and optimism has kept the dream alive, instantly cringing about a million times when from bad to very very very bad personnel moves were made kept the fire burning, Gretzky took everything up about a thousand notches, Dave Taylor presented a glimpse of doing things the right way and Dean Lombardi meant we were going to do everything the best way until we won it all and everybody hated us.

Blake's first team is showing that a transition, with many different components, can ease the pain, honor the plan and overachieve. The Stanley Cup is there to take. Why not give yourself a chance until it's wait until next year. I'm excited, hopeful, trying to stay grounded and darn proud of our guys.
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Raccoon Jesus

Draft em but don't play em
Oct 30, 2008
From this morning:

I kinda dig it. Will dig it more when Carter comes back but anything that displaces Andreoff and puts together our mega-4th-line in Clifford-Shore-lewis while putting Iafallo with good vets in Mitchell and Jokinen should be better. The only beef I have is moving Gaborik out of the bottom six makes it a 'true' bottom six with far fewer scoring threats like Gabby.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2017
like that too. no idea why jokinen has been out for so long. hopefully he can actually roll these 4 lines for a change.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2014
I would include myself in the half full group. Also, being a defenseman in life, I will stick up for them as well. I’d also like to add that back in my day (I’m well into 60s), D zone coverages were more zone coverage. I’ve got this side you’ve got the other. Today it’s either 5 on 5 man to man (not used much) or a hybrid of 3 on 3 down low with C support and wings in zone out high (what the Kings use). I only post this cause many posts seem to feel a D wandered when in fact they had good coverage and a C lagged behind. But to be positive, there are so many really good world class D plays all game long. Good stick, good position, good first pass, good shots, good skating, etc.


Build around Byfield, not the vets
Mar 9, 2002
I have no problem with this team as it stands now. In the next month we should be getting Carter back and the team has done a very good job winning without him. Once Carter is back and if we have no further injuries we should get a good look at what the team should be like before the trade deadline.

I like what Blake did in the off-season to address our prospect lack of depth. I have confidence that he will do the right thing for the trade deadline if needed. We actually have a good deal of Space this year to work with.

This team has the horses upfront to compete long into the playoffs and I think or we will really need is to bring in a veteran defenseman to help stabilize our backend.

This is actually a very exciting time to be in LA Kings fan again.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2017
Glad to see Jokinen back in. I have preferred him to Mitchell. Nice to see him given another chance.
i think he offers some chemistry with mitchell, jokinen's smarts balance mitchell's effort pretty nicely imo

plus it gets andreoff out of the lineup..
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