Mike Richards was my favorite non King before we traded for him. Honestly he'd probably had last longer if Sutter gave him PP time; for whatever reason he thought Stoll was a better option.
Richards was never the same player after the summer of 2009. He had 2 shoulder surgeries that summer. Having had torn both shoulders on the same play I can say with great certainty Richards waited too long to have the 1st surgery, had the surgeries too close together and rushed coming back. Regardless of the pain killers, of which you get allot before the surgeries and after. No matter who you are you lose a bit, and to lose a bit in both shoulders, it isn't additive, it multiplies. And if he played allot with the tears/injuries for a while he probably got more than a few cortisone shots, which also damage with each one. I got 4 in the left and 3 in the right between tears and the first surgery.
I lost quite a bit of accuracy and pace on my shot, flexibility is gone, so further hits that used to be of little consequence, now hurt because of limited range. I was a habitual 300+ yard driver, now it's maybe 250 if the wind is behind me downhill with a bounce off the cart path. You lose a ton of rotation and strength. The shoulders were never the same and it's frustrating.
My 2 surgeries were 6 months apart, which my surgeon said was the quickest you could have them together. Richards squeezed his together in about 4 months.
IMO the pain killers were probably the undoing of Richards, but it was the injured shoulders and him playing with them rather than opting for surgery right away is what brought his career to an early end. Had he opted for surgery when he felt the first pain in camp of 2008, he's done for that season. He probably doesn't need the injections and pills to continue to play for an entire season. And having tried to play thru torn shoulders, I can tell you they only get worse.
Richards would have had much better chance at a better recovery because he misses all of 2008-2009 and has more than enough time to recover before the grind of the following season and doesn't make them worse. I have 100% belief that he came back too early and his shoulders never fully recovered and he abused pills to deal with the pain.