I will be the first to admit that this team doesnt have as good of a chance to win the cup as they did last year or the year before. this team isnt half as bad as you are making it out to be, but for whatever reason some people on this board LOVE to make things seem worse than they are. for the life of me I cant figure out why. I would say its because we are spoiled by the 2012-2014 run but its been this way as long as I can remember. there are huge differences between being a homer, being what you call a 'realist' and being a Negative Nancy. I understand there are a few problems but at the same time Im not one to wallow, whine or exaggerate said problems. thats the difference. being a hockey fan thats gone to myriad hockey games over the last decade, surely you must understand that winning a cup and staying competitive year in, year out in the cap era is an incredibly hard task. teams that are successful end up paying for that success because their players are rewarded with more money which puts GM's in a tough position to maintain the success. look at Chicago, its a rare feat that they were able to be remain successful after the retools they went through. we are in the middle of a retool now and there was no avoiding it. its just super annoying that people expect a Stanley cup winning team every year. it doesnt work like that