Unfortunately, it's looking like it'll be his last game of the season.
Aren't they the host of the Mem Cup though? So, don't they get one more series if they lose?
Windsor is hosting the Memorial Cup so it gets into the final no matter how it does in the playoffs. More action for Day latter this spring.
Hope they practice their butts off while waiting for May
Windsor hosts the Memorial Cup though. We will see Day play after elimination
I like Fontaine. The reality is however that his production overall isn't impressive and you're still almost certainly looking at a 4C, if he makes it. He looks to me like Steve Fogarty with better wheels but less strength.
Think Fontaine is a better prospect than Fogarty, though. Also, think Fontaine's edginess makes up for the "less strength". Think he is a perfect prospect for a potential bottom 6 role.
What specifically makes Fontaine a better prospect than Fogarty?
I feel like Fogarty will develop into a player like Hrivik, which wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing.
That's a pretty good comparison but here's another--Blair Betts. And not to put him down but Betts was not a very exciting player and at his best he was an average 4th liner at the NHL level. Hopefully Fogarty can raise himself above that a bit but I think he's going to need to work more on his skating to get there. I think right now the NHL moves a little bit too fast for Hrivik's offensive creativity and capabilities. Fogarty right now IMO would have even a harder time.
Idk why, but to me, Blair Betts was amazing and honestly one of my favorite Rangers to watch. Felt like he always hustled his ass off and was just so smart defensively. Phenomenal PKer and a shot blocking machine. Blair Betts and Freddy Sjostrom.