EU Video Scout for McKeen’s | Rest Easy #13
But why do you need it? You would like it, but you don't need it. Maybe there are legitimate privacy concerns or maybe they don't want people that actually don't have a professional use for it to have it (officially). I know if my kid was a potential top pick I'd avoid giving info to the people on these and other forums. Many people on here are quite honestly immature, petty and prone to personally attacking the character and attributes of the kids playing in the leagues.
I have access to all the games and have watched the kids enough to know their games and where most stand. It’s for my own curiosity, obviously and it‘s always nice to put a stat line behind a name to give myself confirmation people that actually need the information (i.e scouts and gm's that are hired and paid by the teams) have the information that is needed. Once more it's a WANT not a NEED and players/parents should have the option/right to provide or not.
You’re right though, it’s definitely a want - not a need.
Ethan Weir at 5, too from what I know.for what its worth i think the top two picks will be the following
1. schaefer
2. roobroeck