I actually don't think Babs did anything for them that another coach couldn't do
Then I don't know what we're here talking about. Even if you were right, Babcock doesn't deserve praise for the bare minimum of his job, especially when he screwed up so much else.
I think Babcock showed them how to play on a script and not go freelance.
The problem is you keep saying stuff like this, but it's based on absolutely nothing, and you've provided no evidence.
They were bad 3on3 and just because it's the most unstructured part of the game its actually a great time to evaluate them.
No, they weren't bad, and the part of the game that doesn't work much off structure is not a great time to evaluate a coach's ability to provide structure. It's entirely different hockey with an entirely different approach.
Of note they are really really good 3on3 now, does that not count?
It "counts", but it doesn't suggest the things you are using it to suggest, or the opposite now.
It's not arbitrary when he stated the criteria of what he considered a good pro.
I mean, he didn't really, and anything he did talk about, he contradicted. There was zero consistency in his criteria and application.
I assign the growth under Babcock to Babcock because he was their coach then, no other reason.
Players are able to grow in ways and for reasons other than their coach. You can't just go around attributing stuff to people with no evidence just because they happened to exist.
They were rookies learning to be pros, hence the title rookie
They were some of the best rookies seen in a long time in a professional hockey league, hence the title "pros". Matthews was literally in a professional league before even being drafted.
The team being bad defensively has many factors
So you attribute all of the natural growth of players to Babcock, based on nothing, but the thing Babcock is
actually in charge of isn't his fault because "many factors"?
primarily the defensive system was questionable
Which is on Babcock...
coupled with the personal who were to employ the system.
The personnel was good enough to do better than what they did. In 2019-2020, the results were night and day between Babcock and Keefe, and it was the same personnel. Actually, Keefe had worse personnel due to injuries.
I'm not talking about defensive only
The things you identified were backchecking and responsible puck management. Sounds like mostly defense.
As I've said the player structure I'm talking about is playing within a system and yes they've played in systems their whole lives, but mostly the system was built around them and as I said above, they could, at will, go off on their own accord because they were dominant at the Jr level.
These players know how to play within a system by the time they make the NHL. You seem to think systems in lesser leagues work a lot differently than they do. We're not talking about peewee hockey here.
Players can roam as opposed to following a well defined role on the ice, that's what I call a lone wolf and that's what they were doing as rookies
They weren't "roaming" on the ice. Not sure where you get this stuff.