Nightly Curling Update :
US with the hammer in the first. BOTH teams need the win - Canada more than the U.S.
Curling is a(n odd) sport where scoring 1 is worse than scoring 0 - except for the final end.
1st End :
* Canada with a biter (or 2) so, hopefully, the U.S. will be forced to take 1.
* Looked like the U.S. might get 3 when Jones threw a beautiful stone and cleared all 3 - 90 degree angle.
* The biter came back to haunt the U.S. when the U.S. stone stuck.
1 - 0 USA
2nd End :
* Canada with the hammer.
* Lots of rocks in the house.
* Jones drew for 2.
2 - 1 Canada
3rd End :
* U.S. with hammer.
* U.S. playing aggressive with lots of stones in the house.
* 2 tough shots by U.S. Both missed and Canada with a steal of 2.
4 - 1 Canada
4th End :
* U.S. retains the hammer.
* U.S.'s Becca Hamilton really struggling.
* U.S. forced to take 1.
4 - 2 Canada
5th End :
* Canada win hammer.
* Canada plays a conservative end. Jones drawing well until her final stone and then she messed up.
* U.S. steals 1.
4 - 3 Canada
6th End :
* Canada with hammer.
* U.S. played well and their final stone was a beauty.
* Canada forced to take 1.
5 - 3 Canada
7th End :
* U.S. with hammer.
* Tara Peterson missed on her first shot. U.S down on time so they may be rushing.
* Becca Hamilton missed with a shot thru the house.
* Canada steals one.
6 - 3 Canada
8th End :
* U.S. retains hammer.
* U.S. in time trouble.
* Strong end for the U.S. U.S. scores 2.
6 - 5 Canada
9th End :
* Canada with hammer.
* U.S. has 3:43 seconds to play
TWO ends. They have a time out.
* Jones screws up with her final stone. U.S. steals one to tie.
6 - 6 Tie
10th End :
* Canada with hammer.
* U.S. has less than 2 minutes.
* Becca Hamilton threw a perfect stone and a horrible stone.
Canada squeezed one out. WOW!
7 - 6 Canada.
Canada's destiny is in their own hands...
* Canada MIGHT get in if they lose one but I'm not sure of the tie breaking format.
* 2 wins and Canada is definitely in the playoffs. Denmark and China so the path is very doable.