So your point if I have it right, is that people are saying that we have been told that Canadian teams will be selling out no matter what. Which is true. This is not disputable. People on this board have been saying this.
So what’s the problem here? It’s true. There is nothing here that’s misleading. Which makes your Fox News example terrible. And stereotyping America as whole? Yea I am not sure you are really any better than people you are trying to make fun of, I am not gonna lie.
I don’t think I ever called you a hypocrite. So I don’t know what issue you have with me there. But if you are talking about your fellow Canada First people, then surely saying bad on ice product is not an excuse to bad attendance and then turning around and using same excuse for Winnipeg Jets is hypocrisy? Seems like very definition.
Okay, so I know this is pointless but I'll give it one more try:
"So your point if I have it right, is that people are saying that we have been told that Canadian teams will be selling out no matter what"
No, that is not my point. PLEASE go back and read post #479 as I have asked you to do several times. It does NOT mention teams. It does NOT mention hockey. It only states that people are gullible if they hear something too many times.
"I don’t think I ever called you a hypocrite. So I don’t know what issue you have with me there."
I never said you called me a hypocrite. I have no issue with you there. Do you actually READ what people post?
Let me make this very simple for you:
In post #485, AtlantaWhaler said my post was hypocritical. (He didn't call me a hypocrite. He categorized one post; I'm a retired lawyer and appreciate the difference.)
In post #489, I responded to AtlantaWhaler and asked him (not you) to point out how my posting was hypocritical.
In post #491, AtlantaWhaler replied and did not address my request to identify the hypocritical aspect of my comment.
In post #492, I responded to AtlantaWhaler and noticed that he had NOT pointed out anything hypocritical.
In post #495, you TWICE asked again what the point of post #479 was.
This is really spoiling what should be a pleasant past-time. You'll understand why at this stage I'm just going to shake my head and engage with other posters from here on.