Jones' entire philosophy of Canadian football is completely wrong as a gm. He treats the job like he's still defensive co-ordinator, where it was about getting the most talent out on the field as possible, and hiding your nationals in low-impact spots.
Those days are over - there are SO many talented import players who are available to a good franchise with proper scouting, that the margins are all at qb, Oline, and nationals - how many just below NFL level receivers are there in the world? Hundreds.
It's no surprise the Bombers resurgence came after they invested heavily in nationals, and then picked up veteran, proven Oline talent, before finally finding a capable qb to put behind that quality oline.
Maybe you can find a gamebreaker or two, but you're not loading up on raw talent to beat other quality franchises - a smart roster will beat a talented roster, because the overall level of talent is so high. And when margins get that close on field talent, things like discipline, Eliminating mistakes, gameplanning make the difference - those have never been a priority for Jones lead units - it's always been about trying to put out the most talent, regardless of fit or ballsmarts.
Look at what he did with Duron Carter, playing him at DB to try and get talent on the field, even though he couldn't cover any top-end receiver, and qbs would target him - sure, he got a gamebreaker on the field who could make a play or two, but at the cost of 200 receiving yards given up a night.
Prioritizing top-end American talent, regardless of personality or scheme fit is the exact opposite thing you should be doing these days unless it's offensive linemen.