Only a complete idiot would be freaking out and calling for the DC’s execution after the first quarter
I think the BC game freaked a lot of people and this game certainly mirrored that one for the first quarter and a half. The offensive line looks pretty washed, that’s my biggest concern. Collaros is gonna get hurt if they don’t clean things up. We’ll see if they do.
Defensive line is starting to take over which is a big component to the success of Richie Hall’s schemes. Haba is good but Jeffcoat has been stellar. If he can stay healthy and Willie can continue on his 2019-like tear we are gonna be a handful.
I’m pretty invested in this team and so I go through highs and lows but ultimately I’m thinking/hoping the BC game was just a fluke. TSN has done their best to hype up Toronto but I don’t really see it with them.
If Collaros can stay healthy we should have such a significant advantage over every other team. The next best CFL QB after him is …. maybe Masoli? And he hasn’t played for a year. Or Adams, who is “only” a bit below average.
After MOP Collaros, we have:
Toronto: Kelly — overhyped scrambler who doesn’t make the right reads half the time and will probably get worse, not better, the more teams get film on him
Hamilton: Mitchell — been washed since the end of 2019. Shiltz or whatever his name is isn’t a suitable replacement either
Ottawa: Masoli: Hasn’t played regularly in forever and is coming off a serious injury in his 30s
Montreal: Fajardo: Someone said he was Willy’d the other day and that’s the perfect way to put it. Like Dane Evans, he craters at the slightest hint of pressure and is prone to backbreaking mistakes
BC: Vernon Adams Jr. The only thing that worries me with this dude is he’s an athletic scrambler. He’s incredibly inconsistent and he can’t read a defence properly to save his life. Also prone to gaffes.
Edmonton: Cornelius: I asked him on Reddit if he likes pineapple on pizza and he said yes. That about sums it up.
Saskatchewan: Harris: Stat-pumper who dinks and dunks all field, putting up huge numbers, but sucks when the chips are down
Calgary: Maier: A poor man’s Harris, really.
So, yeah, if we can keep Zach healthy and upright we lap the field at QB.
How was the move?
The CFL is in ROUGH shape when it comes to qbs right now, especially with Bo's apparent drop off, and Rourke heading to the NFL.
I start my CFL life in 2005 - the first grey cup I distinctly remember (the double forward pass drop)
2005 grey cup qbs: Calvillo and Ray
MOP: Damon Allen
2006 grey cup: Dickenson vs Calvillo
MOP was Simon (receiver with dickenson)
Henry Burris threw the most TDs
2007 grey cup: Glenn vs Jospeh
MOP was Joseph, Burris most tds.
2008 grey cup Burris vs Calvillo
Mop Calvillo, Ray most passing yards
2009: Calvillo vs Durant (lol 13th man)
MOP Calvillo, Ray passing yards
2010: Burris vs Calvillo
Mop: Burris, Durant top yardage
2011: Pierce vs Lulay
Mop: Luray, Calvillo top stats
2012: Ray vs Glenn (Toronto vs CGY) - Bo also sees action in that game according to wiki
Mop: Chad Owen's (Ray qb) - Burris top stats
2013: Durant vs Burris (hamilton)
Mop: Cornish (qb was Bo/Glenn)
2014: Bo vs Collaros (hamilton)
Mop: Solomon Elimimian (qb Glenn) Ray top stats guy
2015: Ray vs Bo
Mop: Mike Rielly
2016: Burris (ott) vs Bo
Mop: Bo, Rielly and Ray in top stats
2017: Bo vs Ray
Mop: Rielly
2018: Bo vs Harris (ott)
Mop: Bo, top stats: Rielly
And here is where it shifts -
2019: Collaros/
Steveller vs
Dane Evans
Mop: banks (qb Evans/Masoli) -
top stats - yards: Fajardo completions: Harris tds: McLeod bethel-thompson
That is a real yikes, especially considering Collaros' durability/history at the time.
2021: Collaros vs Masoli
Mop: Collaros top stats: Rielly/Fajardo
2022: MBT vs Collaros
Mop: collaros, top stats MBT
Basically we lost two generations of qb at the same time between 2015 and 2018, with it being most likely the last gasp of both Bo as well as Burris and Ray, who were part of that Calvillo generation. I have to say, Glenn looked really good in doing this exercise- I was iffy on him as a HoF guy, but this kind of exercise shows he was a pretty great player.
Mike Rielly was the best bet to take over, and he's retired. I loved MBT, but a) he'srnot in the CFL, and b) he is not that guy.
Masoli might be lost due to injury, and Fajordo's development was ruined. Rourke is chasing an NFL dream.
It should be the old guard of Collaros/Rielly/Bo battling the next generation - not only have we appeared to have lost the next generation - either to injury, stunted development or NFL dreams - but the old guard is not maintaining a quality of play that historically has been the norm in the CFL- players like Ray, Burris - even Allen.
It's like we lost two generations at once between 2015-2018.
Evaluating current qbs on the "that guy" scale - From east to west:
I don't believe Adams is that guy
I KNOW Maier and Cornelius are not that guy
Harris has NEVER been that guy
Collaros is that old guy who is still good
Bo WAS that guy - now he isnt
Kelly is too early to be that guy - I don't see it
Masoli could be that guy if he recovers
Fajardo is NOT that guy
God, what would a qb like Dave Dickenson do to this league right now? Joseph might be the best in the league - Give me Durant in a heartbeat!
Those were qbs that were a step behind their contemporaries - who never sniffed best in the league status, but would be a clear cut above - at worst the second best qb in the league by a MILE right now.