What's one thing that would make you completely quit your team and never come back?


"Wanna go, Prettyboy?"
Sep 17, 2003
Toronto, Ontario
What's one thing that if your team did, would make you quit on them and never come back?

For me if I find my team protecting confirmed abusers, I would be anti-them asap. Which is honestly why I'm glad the Sens at least cut contact with Formenton well before the investigation for the 2018 Hockey Canada abusers.

As a Torontonian, I know a few people who turned their back on the Maple Leafs in the late 90's when the Gordon Stuckless stuff surfaced.

They were already pretty fed up with the team (it was about 30 years at that point since they had been to a Cup Final) and they felt like, now the team is making headlines for decades of child abuse happening under their roof. Two of them jumped ship and became Red Wings fans (one already had Steve Yzerman as his favourite player and persuaded the other to join him.)

The remain big Red Wings fans today. There was a third guy I know of at the same time who was "done" with them after that, but I don't recall if he started rooting for a different team.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
As an Oiler fan, they've really been pushing some absolutely deplorable people into our organization (not Perry Kassian or Kane). They're Dickheads, but they're not abbhorent.

But Virtanen, Bob Nicholson, and Stan Bowman are absolutely abhorrent pieces of shit.

Won't give up my Fandom. I can comparamentalize. But f*** those shitheads.

I'll likely stop watching for a while if McDavid/Draisaitl leave. I can't stomach another Decade of Darkness.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2003
Toronto, ON
If my team takes a 3-1 series lead against a 17th seeded team and then promptly blows it. O yea, that did happen and I did consider switching teams after that but it's not easy.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2019
It would take some form of scandal to fully stop following them.

Even when they aren't a playoff caliber team, I tend to watch a lot of games. So I don't think it would just be a trade I didn't like or the team sucking that would stop me.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
missing the playoffs 7-8 years in a row would probably make me stop watching
We went 9-10 in Carolina. Frankly, I went to many more games during that stretch than I have in the last 6 years. Mainly because I was a STH for much of it until my kids grew up and moved out. Even after I gave up the season tickets, tickets were cheap so I could go to games cheaply.

For me, it would be moving/relocating. I grew up in MI and was a Wings fan for much of my youth. Not die-hard, but still a Wings fan. Yzerman was, and still is probably my favorite player of all time. Datsyuk is a close 2nd. I moved to the northeast US when I was in my early 20s, and over time, as some of the classic wings players I followed retired, I didn't follow them as much.

Then I moved to NC during the lockout and immediately got season tickets for the Canes in 2005, became a Canes fan and have followed ever since. Got to see the Wings/Canes play a great 3-2 game in 2005 and see Yzerman score a goal as part of it, but also watched my young kids become Canes fans at that game.

I suspect if I moved to say Nashville, or Dallas, etc...I would eventually migrate to one of those teams as a fan. Fairweather? Not really as I stuck with the Canes through 9 years of no playoffs. Just that I don't have that deep of an attachment to locations, more to players.
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Registered User
Jun 22, 2023
It'd probably take something absurd... But I did quit the 2020 Playoffs when they decided to postpone playoff games for a guy that tried kidnapping his kids and fighting police.

Minnesota Knudsens

Registered User
Apr 22, 2024
I think it would take a scandal so bad that when I left the house in my gear, my neighbours were there waiting to douse me in red paint or something.

I tend to think less of people that can’t stick with their team just because they’re losing, even if that’s ridiculous or unfair. There’s also the idea that there’s more pleasure when the team wins as a result of the long-standing pain. Don’t think I could ever be a Yankees fan and watch the team contend every year. It would feel hollow unless I lived there.
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Registered User
Jun 22, 2023
I think it would take a scandal so bad that when I left the house in my gear, my neighbours were there waiting to douse me in red paint or something.

I tend to think less of people that can’t stick with their team just because they’re losing, even if that’s ridiculous or unfair. There’s also the idea that there’s more pleasure when the team wins as a result of the long-standing pain. Don’t think I could ever be a Yankees fan and watch the team contend every year. It would feel hollow unless I lived there.

Went to college with a guy (2010-2014) who insisted that he was the biggest Blackhawks fan. Loved the Blackhawks, knows everything about hockey, has to argue with you and tell you how wrong you are because he knows hockey.

... Anyways I saw him about two years ago and he asked how the Blackhawks were doing because he hadn't paid attention to them in awhile. Gee I wonder why.


Adopt.Volunteer. Rescued is the best breed!
Mar 21, 2019
Shouldn't that be true? Are people watching hockey games as a gratification dispenser?

That's interesting, why would gender be an a priori problem for you? I could see frustration regardless of gender if the person wasn't suitable.
If that’s a true response that person is a misogynist bigot and gay hater. Period.
Another quality human. Who should pray to their “god” they never see me.
Probably a hey-Zeus freak and lives by that great Christian motto of
“god” hates fa***

Matty Sundin

Registered User
Jul 18, 2006
Can’t say I’ll just quit and never be back though I can admit my fandom for my team has been in decline year by year that I don’t even get upset when they lose anymore or pay too much attention to their off season moves like I used to.

I’ve grown tired of the current core and I was actually one of the few that said run it back year by year. Right now the team to me is like a tv show that has gone too many seasons and gotten stale and your attention to it starts to wander off. Think something like the Walking Dead tv show.

Hate sounding like a fair weather fan but that’s how I honestly feel. I do think myself getting older has something to do with that as well. I was a die hard in the JFJ and Burke era years still. I can see myself being a total casual fan in 10 years regardless how they do.
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The Management

Registered User
Jun 8, 2009
I can't really think of anything. I've come this far.

Perhaps if my home province got an NHL team (will never happen). I've never been to Toronto to see a Maple Leafs game in person, despite having been a fan my entire life. So no real attachment to the city, as such, although I hope to make it there soon.

Conversely, this is also why I wouldn't stop rooting for the team if they were relocated (which also would never happen).


Registered User
Jan 1, 2004
If we had a Chicago Blackhawks style enabling / protecting a child molester / recommend him to a school where he molests again, I'd change teams in a heartbeat, and never look back.
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