What's one thing that would make you completely quit your team and never come back?

Auston Marlander

I was in the pool!!
Nov 3, 2011
I couldn't. How do I know? I tried with my football team. I've been a Browns fan since I was a child, so when they came back I was all aboard. However thing we're and have been rough. After 2015, I thought it was time to move on. I was a big Larry Fitzgerald fan, so I switched to the Cardinals. I didn't even make it a full year, I just wasn't into it. I didn't actually care about the team.

If I couldn't do it with the Browns, there is zero chance I could drop the Leafs.

Byron Bitz

Registered User
Apr 6, 2010
I don’t know how long I could have continued being a Sens fan under Melnyk or if I could have continued being a Blackhawks fan after their scandal. I definitely could not continue as a Penn State fan after Sandusky. However, I think I could have gotten past the New Orleans Saints bounty scandal.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2010
The ONLY time I ever considered it was return of the Jets, my hometown team.

But I moved to Toronto in 1999 so by the time the Jets returned I had almost 12 years invested in Toronto and I couldn't make the jump.

I stayed loyal to the Leafs and I made the right choice because now I get to watch the best goal scorer in the game every night.

But I will say this as somebody that remembers the save our Jets rallies that my parents took me to.

As somebody that remember the school fundraiser that I took part in

It's always been f*** Arizona for stealing the Jets

It's ALWAYS going to be f*** Arizona for stealing the Jets.

if Winnipeg wins a cup I will be FILLED with joy for that city because that city deserves it and that city is home.

But I can't make the jump I'm in to deep with the Leafs
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yer leadin me astray
Apr 27, 2005
Billionaire Jeremy f***ing Jacobs not paying his 10$ hourly staff during a world wide pandemic sealed the deal. I sold every bruins thing I have for 30 years got my tattoo removed and pray every night that human garbage mr burns incarnate dies bc the world will be better with people like him not in it
So you no longer root for the bruins?


Adopt.Volunteer. Rescued is the best breed!
Mar 21, 2019
So you no longer root for the bruins?

I root for them to lose.
The more they win the more money that scum gets.
Thought that was clear with “ I got my bruins tattoo removed”
Tattoo removal is not fun btw
Only one real likable guy on the team for me nowadays anyway. (88)
Hopefully he forces his way to Gotham soon.
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Tie Domi Esquire

Go Real Sports Apparel Go!
Oct 18, 2010
I used to say never. But I've never felt more disrespected than the Leafs and some fellow fans/market have made me feel over the past 5-6 years. I can't support people that have contempt and hatred for me. This coinciding with the way the game and coverage has devolved over the years, I'm almost done with the NHL altogether.
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Bolts STM
Jul 26, 2007
NY to TB
It's ok you don't know what facts mean. That's what google and the dictionary are for. So you can learn.

That's literally what I said to you, guy.

If google is how you get your facts, that would explain your broad attack of several players. You'd find your opinions all those people are pieces of shit are based on others providing their opinions and often being wrong,

But you obviously are a perfect person, so life must be awesome.

The Panther

Registered User
Mar 25, 2014
Tokyo, Japan
Well, let's see now:

-- When I was 12, my team traded away the greatest player of all time, who'd just scored 192 points in 82 games, while scoring the Cup-winning goal, winning the Conn Smythe, and lifting the Cup in his previous game. (They traded him -- to a division-rival and thus guaranteeing the fanbase maximum pain -- so that the team owner could pay the bills on his sausage plant.)

-- Then, when I was 15, my team lost / traded away: their Cup-winning head coach; a multiple Hart-winning Hall of Fame forward; a Rocket-winning Hall of Fame forward and Selke candidate; another regular All Star forward and playoff stud; a Hall of Fame goalie; a future 50-goal scorer; and a Cup winning Dman who was a winning member of Canada Cup '91. (For this, they got back... 95 games of post-prime Bernie Nicholls and one season of Vince Damphousse.)

I still cheer for this team.

So, the answer to the thread question, evidently, is


Registered User
Jul 8, 2024
I watched the Cowboys win three Super Bowls. I watched the Cowboys then go on to become an absolute meme of a team over the next twenty years. "Okay, this wasn't our year. But NEXT YEAR!" I actually checked out of football entirely after 2007 or so. Why bother? I decided to start watching again last year and became a dedicated Cowboys hater. It's much more fun to watch them inevitably lose in the playoffs now. So that's what it would take. Years of upper tier mediocrity without any hint of change coming.

Also covering up the rapin' and the diddlin'. If something like the Blackhawks situation came out about the Stars or Texas Rangers I would absolutely abandon them until not only everyone directly involved was out, but everyone that was involved in covering it up. If it goes all the way to the owners, it will be a long time before I'm back.

Poppy Whoa Sonnet

Jan 24, 2007
Relocation or the owner would have to do something beyond the pale. Everyone else currently on the team / FO probably won't be there in 10 years anyway.
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Noted Jerk
Apr 7, 2003
Winston-Salem NC
My team moved once and I stayed a fan, though mind you they moved to where I had just moved the year before. It would take circumstances such as moving to a city with a fanbase that literally hates our very existence after ownership utterly runs the team into the ground.

I think had Dundon not stepped in and PK sold the team to ownership from QC that would have been it for me. Still would have been a hockey fan, just would go back to mostly following the NCAA level of the game which is where I started as a hockey fan to begin with.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
That's literally what I said to you, guy.

If google is how you get your facts, that would explain your broad attack of several players. You'd find your opinions all those people are pieces of shit are based on others providing their opinions and often being wrong,

But you obviously are a perfect person, so life must be awesome.
Again, google is a great tool. You can even use it to look up the things those blokes did, which are facts.


Jun 30, 2017
I gotta keep it 100. I wouldn’t care if management is hiding scandals or whatever. That’s between the victims, attorneys, and the organization. Has nothing to do with me being a fan. The Kings brass can have a cock fighting ring and I wouldn’t care. As long as my team is winning I am happy. I watch hockey cause I like it. My morals as a random person with no influence in the organization is pointless and meaningless. Let the media blow them up. I don’t care on a personal level.

Just win and don’t suck. For me to stop watching the Kings is if the Kings hit another rebuild without making anything of the last rebuild WHILE Blake is running the new rebuild. If Blake is still here with another rebuild I will definitely not watch
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Dec 20, 2022
If I found out one of my players had ever laid a bet on any sporting even, I nearly burned all my Leafs gear upon hearing a rumor that Samsonov had bet 20 rubles on a 3rd division Japanese curling match.
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Bolts STM
Jul 26, 2007
NY to TB
Again, google is a great tool. You can even use it to look up the things those blokes did, which are facts.
Yes, you can see many times accusations occurred which were later unproven. Maybe dig a little deeper than the first Wikipedia entry, not fact based always, and you can find there's more to every story.

But believing all accusations and rumors is better.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Yes, you can see many times accusations occurred which were later unproven. Maybe dig a little deeper than the first Wikipedia entry, not fact based always, and you can find there's more to every story.

But believing all accusations and rumors is better.
These weren't unproven.

They're fact.

Honour Over Glory

Sully-Quinn: Idiots Squared
Jan 30, 2012
Lol you really don't know what fact is and it's hilarious you continue to show that.

I'm done with you and your virtue signaling through ignorance.
Ignorance is ignoring the facts and the facts are there. Those players are pieces of shit and the NHL and it's fan base happily ignores it as along as they help their teams win.

I don't want to be a part of that sort of fandom and will push back on it and have. I've listed players that did shitty things and they're fact.

You seem mad about it. Either you sympathize with what they did or feel as though they're just the good ole boys being boys that were getting torn down by women. Another toxic ideology by sports fandom.
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Registered User
Mar 7, 2024
Suffered as a Leafs fan for too long. Sunk cost fallacy. I'll never give up.


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