What's one thing that would make you completely quit your team and never come back?


Slacked for Mack
Oct 17, 2007
San Jose
Unnlikely that it'd happen to the Sharks, but let's just say I'm not going to be attending or watching any A's games anymore.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2018
Look, I don't want to knock Oiler fans while they are down. But in general are you all really surprised that a team owned by Katz, who has multiple sexual assault allegations against him is all for giving Bowman a chance? Birds of a feather etc...
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Registered User
Jul 26, 2007
I'm in this boat also. Maybe an option is Utah? Can be support a team in their game 1 with a new City/owner and fresh start for a lot of players who really deserved it after what they went thru in Arizona.

I'm pissed by the hire. Maybe sit back till he's fired. I don't know. I felt the same as you but my reaction to todays news is genuine and I'm still surprised this is the route they chose. I mean Bowman isn't even a great hire without the scandal behind him.
I am definitely intrigued by Utah. It should still give me the late games I've gotten used to. Plus, it does feel at least a little bit more like a blank slate fresh start for a team and for myself.

I'm gonna mull it over, maybe just take the entire season off...is what I say now, until I find I can't help myself but keeping up with a team.
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Space umpire

Registered User
Nov 15, 2018
Cocoa Beach, Florida
If we had a Chicago Blackhawks style enabling / protecting a child molester / recommend him to a school where he molests again, I'd change teams in a heartbeat, and never look back.
Who in Chicago enabled or protected a child molester? The only place I know (for sure) of that happening is Toronto.

Who gave this molester a recommendation for another Job/school?
Please be factual and thanks in advance for your response.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2024
Im officially an Oilers diaspora. Been a fan for 40 years, but eff this noise.

Now I just have to figure out how the heck to find a new team.
That's easy. Just pick whichever team is at the top of the standings. You could even end up with a new team each season!

(If Edmonton is at the top, I suppose you pick the top of the Eastern Conference)

Ford Prefect

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Mar 2, 2002
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Well I guess they could be the Chicago Blackhawks? Have a video coach who sexually assaults their young players. Continue to employ him when he has a reputation as sexual predator. Have management brush it under the rug when it's brought to their attention. Do nothing about it for ten years until they get sued. Oh, and have your piece of shit owner go off on media when confronted by it.

Donald Sterling has his team taken away for making racist comments. In the NHL covering up a the rape of your own players gets you a $2 million fine. Fu@k you Gary Bettman and super duper fu@k you Rocky Wirtz, may you rest in hell.

source: 2nd ex-Chicago Blackhawks player accuses former coach of sexual assault - National | Globalnews.ca (doesn't say anything about the owner, I just recall it from video).

So yeah, that would do it.

Edit: seems like a whole bunch of people beat me to the punch. Fills my heart to see that.
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