How many sports organizations would think its a good idea to switch their general managers coming off a 100 year franchise all-time best points and wins season?
** Particularly one that inherited a team that missed the playoffs 9 of the last 10 years and was crashing to last overall, and after drafting their franchise player, improved it by +26 points and took it into the playoffs the very next season, while that GM was receiving executive of the year recognition for that 180 degree turnaround **
Oh, did I mention this GM has over 30 years of experience, qualified for five Stanley Cup Finals (in 1995, 2000, 2001, 2003, and 2012) and won the Stanley Cup three times (in 1995, 2000, and 2003), as a proven winner, and is already in that sports hall of fame as a builder since 2009, and also the US hockey hall of fame since 2012, recognized for his excellence in team building and success in that sport.
Then to solidify this point further, upon his release this GM inherits a new 2 X non playoff team, which loses its franchise #1C and best player to free agency as he is walking in the door, and instantly leads that new team through 6 series wins in 3 years, including 2 X final 4 appearances (and counting) in the last 2 years and wins Exec of the year in 2020 as the best at his position amongst his peers.
And before anyone calls bullpucky
, claiming that is a complete nonsensical fictional fabrication that would never happen in real life. I can reassure you this is a 100% true story, I know because I'm living this nightmare out in real time.
Wait a second, stop laughing

, I haven't even given you the punchline yet !!!!!
The team that thought this was a good idea on timing, turned its reigns over to a greenhorn GM with little to no experience, while inheriting a 105 point team that just finished 6th overall, and then also gifted for free that same #1C and franchise player I mentioned the other team above lost. Now this GM lead this team to embarrassing 1st round losses against non playoff teams in non pandemic years as CBJ wouldn't have made the playoffs without a new 24 team play-in format, and Montreal wouldn't qualify for the playoffs if the NHL hadn't created an new all CDN div and forced 4 teams into the playoffs while eliminating the 2 wildcard spots and sending better teams home packing.
Some would say this team is getting exactly what it deserves, if that was its actual free will choice and level of incompetence in decision making, and it would be hard to dispute through rebuttal based on the case, and irrefutable evidence presented.. All I could say would be welcome to my nightmare and the world of being a Leafs fan.
Rest assured management has told us everything is going as planned, no worries be happy, as they plan of staying the course they're on, and everything will be fine trust them.