How cold? I’m ice cold.
- Dec 28, 2015
- 56,205
- 65,502
There's a poll on Finland's only significant ice hockey forum about the format of this World Cup. The question is: "What do you think about the new World Cup format?"
And this is the result:
"It's excellent" 9%
"It's garbage" 91%
When talking to people in real life, I haven't yet met one single person who thinks it's a good idea. I have seen some incredulous rolling of the eyes though from people who have heard about the format from me for the first time. The last time was on Sunday when I told a colleague about Team North America and Team Europe. His facial expression screamed "are you serious?" loud and clear.
I wonder what the results would be if Team Europe and the Young Guns didn't exist? I suspect that because this event is not a IIHF event, there would still be some degree of dislike for it.
European hockey federations seem to be deferential to the IIHF. Far more than we are over here.
In Canada and the USA, the IIHF has no jurisdiction over us. The IIHF has a long and at times antagonistic relationship with Canada. Hockey is our game, Switzerland does not dictate to us. I'm actually in favour of moving the IIHF headquarters to Canada. That would be a sign of good faith and respect for hockey as being Canada's game.
If I'm forced to choose allegiances, I side with the NHL. Always will. We have a long history with the NHL and it has always been Canada's domestic league. The NHL should never bow before the IIHF. As much as the NHL and Bettman make me angry at times, I don't see the IIHF as being any better.
At least with the World Cup, the NHLPA (players union) share in the profits. The players benefit and receive compensation from the World Cup. I support that. Our hockey players should receive financial benefits from playing the game. All revenue is split 50/50 between the owners and the players.
I'm not sure how many of you know that the players themselves receive a 50 percent share in the revenue. I stand with the players, the players themselves sharing the revenues is better than money going to Switzerland and IIHF bean counters in my view.
Edit: Before anyone accuses me of being some NHL shill, I'm not. I'm just a passionate hockey fan who put on skates as soon as I could walk. I still play this game on the outdoor rinks and will until I physically can't. I know the history of our game and haven't forgotten the way the IIHF treated Canada in the 1970s. They banned our best from playing in international competition, but let Soviet "amateurs" participate. Canadians should never forget that, the IIHF banned us from sharing our best with the hockey world.
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