Yeah, Crosby has 21 in 23. But I've watched every Penguins game this season (because of Pulju) and mean no disrespect, but I think it would be in both his own and team's best interest to see him finish his career elsewhere. Nowadays he is only good enough to prevent the team tanking up properly, not good enough to get this team anywhere near playoffs.
Ok f*** I gotta reply to at least this one.
Crosby on this team is a detriment and if Pens fans don't want to admit it or see it, then that's their loss. Werner told Sid in the summer that they want to win with him and so they keep a coach and keep losing? The coach also did what I said would happen - Rust And Rakell with Sid. So again Malkin gets f***ed. One of the biggest problems is also that Sid doesn't even f***ing see it or care. He just sees it as oh hey this is fun. It was fun for him to have Geno on his line but couldn't see how it wasn't great for his game. Its fun for him to have Rust and Raks but doesn't see how it f***s Geno.
Geno has been the one player that deserves a f*** ton more respect that that f***ing soft headed dumb f*** and he doesn't get any of it. So honestly I'll look back on Sid and the cups but my fandom respect goes far more for Geno than it ever will for a f***ing selfish dick like Crosby. So f*** the Crosby dick riders. Sid is a f***ing passenger and a half. He is THE passenger on this team.
His passion for a fight? Lol get f***ed. If Connor could fight he'd do us a favour and KO his ass so he can sit and see how the team is used when a dipshit coach isn't forcing shit for him. There's a reason the Penguins always played better without Crosby.
It's not because they elevated their play. It's because they stopped forcing everything to him and played like an actual team. Him staying f***s the entire rebuild process this team should be in. Now they're some really shitty wannabe bubble team that isn't even good enough to be that and spends to the cap so Sid and his soft dumb head thinks they're still trying for him all the while he blows donkey dick defensively and gets participation points for his f***ing "legacy."
Does that make anyone mad? f*** if I care.