Is that you Jenny McCarthy?
I wouldn't be surprised if Zaide is an anti-vaxxer.
Is that you Jenny McCarthy?
I heard Carolinas Identity paid $999 for a $200 cooler.
wait though......
damn it all the pics are at home on the tablet
it's this thing
It does up to 20kmh has trouble up steep hills when loaded up.
wait though......
Damn it all the pics are at home on the tablet
it's this thing
it does up to 20kmh Has trouble up steep hills when loaded up.
when have I ever?
I AM a redneck and embrace it
Didn't Guerzy get banned or was that just wishful thinking
Peg, what are your thoughts on the return of Guerzy? Be honest with us.
Please Peg...i literally have never heard of this person before. who is she?
wow yes does yubbs have jorts