The cloud has been lifted. Nobody is going to go at these guys yet like they did the last group. You shouldn't be surprised by that. We waited like a flippin decade for an ownership change, so I think it's fair to say they get a grace period. In most peoples minds, the last group, particularly Melnyk, proved themselves incapable and lost all faith. EM gained the reputation of being a mean villain so the gloves really came off. It started so long ago it's hard to pin point when it even happened. The page had basically been turned before they were even gone. Written off. The new guys simply haven't burned that bridge, yet. I don't think others are at the same spot you are with how they're judging their decisions, so in large part it's a difference of opinion too. It's been a fairly steady stream of hiring reputable people. I get questioning SS as GM, but he hasn't made any moves yet and he wasn't hired by Melnyk, so I think people are a little more optimistic.