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Not sure if this qualifies as unpopular but the Attitude Era kicked off officially at KOTR 1996. The response to the NWO angle with a more edgy WWF product that pushed the envelope was immediate. Like within weeks immediate. Nash and Hall were on Nitro in late May breaking ground in reality and carnage in a way never seen before. And by the end of June WWF was already experimenting with what would become a more permanent formula. Whether it was the birth of the Austin 3:16 meme or especially Undertaker and Mankind beating the holy hell out of each other in such a way that compared to the 2020 product, it looks like a full-scale ECW match. Granted it was relatively tame, it's still more extreme than 2020 gets and is more extreme than the product ever had been before. Special shoutout to the boiler room brawl a mere few weeks later at Summer Slam. But enough on that. Sure it didn't happen all at once. The changes came on gradually as 1996 wore on. But less than a month after Hall and Nash hit Nitro, all you're missing is different colored ropes and ring and a WWF scratch logo and you could barely tell the difference between then and what would follow 3 years later.
When Bret Hart is popping off screaming "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" on a brand new rustic Monday Night Raw set in March 1997, you are in full scale Attitude Era with the product simply just not having a name for it yet and people simply more interested in WCW for the time being because they were running the GOAT angle of all GOAT angles.
When Bret Hart is popping off screaming "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" on a brand new rustic Monday Night Raw set in March 1997, you are in full scale Attitude Era with the product simply just not having a name for it yet and people simply more interested in WCW for the time being because they were running the GOAT angle of all GOAT angles.