it is all based on tiers, if there is a clear top 10, sure it will be expensive, if there is a top 5 and then 6-15 is mixed, then there is less value.
11th in 2022 was traded for 27, 34, 45.
15th in 2021 was traded for 23, 48, 138
It varies in each draft but from a quick search in the first round, it has ranged from a 3rd for one spot to a 3rd for like 7.
most are from Pitts, which I've been told constantly is irrelevant to current Murray, although some may think it is concerning, a single groin injury in the last 4 years does not raise red flags for me.
and are they groin injuries? I could only see lower body, I assume the groin but could be a broken foot for all I know.