Alright you sons of *****es because of you guys, I finally gave Stranger Things a look see this weekend as my girl was off to see her family in Montreal and the best way I can explain my thoughts are that I'm already mid way thru season
I got hooked from the get go and you guys were right....great ****ing show as tho it's not in my top 10 ever as that list is tough to crack,, it definitly has creeped to just outside of it.
For those of y'all who are keeping score the Maxie Top 10 of 21st century is The Wire, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, OZ, Sopranos,Homeland, Justified, Peaky Blinders, The Americans and The Shield.
Stranger Things has firmly brought itself thru it's terrific acting, awesome nostalgic depictions of the 80's which was when I was in my 20's and excellent story telling into that 11-15 range which for me includes Sons of Anarchy, Fargo, True Detective and Better Call Saul. So welcome Stranger Things to my top 15 of the 21st century and thanks fellas for the recommendation to give it a shot.
On another note, I did watch "The Boys" and I liked it. Didn't think I would seeing I'm not a big Marvel comics and superheros type guy but the approach the writers took in this one hooked me pretty good. Definitely worth a binge for anyone looking for a show.
OK time to watch episode 8 of City on the Hill and hopefully it's not just the same ole same ole tho I'm not very confident about this...hah.