OK, let the flaming begin as I am going to defend Sather (to some degree).
First, let me say that I am 100% in favor of replacing him: I think the organization would benefit by a dose of fresh air that a new administration would bring. He has been here a long time: this is a success oriented business where people don't last unless they produce instantly and constantly. I believe that it is time for a change.
But....these comments that he is stupid, has no plan or vision, is to old to do the job, that the game has passed him by, just don't cut it.
Some of you make it sound (and you probably believe it), that he comes to work each day, looks around and says "what do we do now?" Some of you think that he learns about players only from what he reads or hear about, or only deals with GMs whose names he recognizes.
What bosh.
It is highly likely that other GMs approach any deal with Sather with great trepidation thinking they are going to get taken and skinned alive. I think he has enormous respect around the league for his smarts.
Of course he has a plan. Of course he has a vision. It is quite simple: draft and develop young players. Sign high quality free agents. Use some of his young assets for trades and player acquisition. Fill wholes as they develop due to injuries, players not developing as projected, circumstance.
But just because you have a plan doesn't mean it is going to work. 29 other GMs also have a plan.
Plans also can't be stationary: starting at one point and ending say 5 years later with winning the Cup. Plans can't be static, they must be dynamic, organic and open to constant modification and change as circumstances happen. To not adapt is a recipe for failure. You can't always be rebuilding and swapping players in their prime or just beyond for prospects.
So. what is Sather's record?
His idea of bridge contract, which he pushed and championed, was a good one. Say to a player coming off an ELC. we're going to pay you 3 million dollars for the next two years. Prove to us that he deserve a long term commitment. Unfortunately, his idea for bridge contracts was undermined by other GMs in the league. For once, Sather was the voice of economic reason. Sather will have to change in this regards: bridge contracts have been rendered obsolete.
His first few coach hires were terrible but he has improved tremendously: hardly the mark of a man to old to do the job. Renney: the perfect coach to restore a semblance of system and pride to the Rangers. Torts: the perfect coach to take us to the next level before he was destroyed by his own private demons (what a mess in Vancouver). AV: the perfect coach for today's skating and skill dominated NHL.
Free agency: a mixed bag. Any free agency signing is a gamble. The one I fault him for is Redden, as the red flags were flying when he was signed. A horrible signing. We all loved the Drury signing. Who could have foreseen injuries and premature aging. Gomez: remember how weak we were at center? At the time it seemed a good signing. Richards: although there were some nay-sayers, everyone loved the signing. Again, who could have predicted early aging here. Guys he signed for depth like Pyatt: well, these were depth signings and I can't get to worked up about them.
Drafting: our record has been average but the draft is a great crap shoot and over the long run, just about every team is average. We've had some bad luck here with injuries and worse (some of these go back to before Sather) that just illustrate how chancy the draft is (Cherepanov, Cherneski, Blackburn...does anyone remember how good he was?) Even to some extent Jessiman: who knows how much his broken ankle affected his skating. Jury is still out on McI and the effect of his knee injury.
Trades: good and bad just like most GMs. He has always been chasing two things: pure goal scorers (Lisin, Zherdev, Nash) and centers (few ever available).
Bottom line: Sather is a wily, savvy GM with a plan. He is not stupid, he is not without vision, he is not to old for the job.
But, this is a results business. He's been at it a long time and we have not won the Cup or made it to the finals. One conference finals in not enough. So much is out of his control: who could have foreseen Torts wearing out his welcome a year early, Gaborik's poor year in the year we should have been a serious contender, the lockout and its effect on Richards.
Yes, he should be replaced. We are in a real mess right now with Cally and Girardi. But can we stop insulting the man's intelligence and making him seem like a blithering idiot? You may dislike him (I'm always upset with how little we hear from him during the season and have made my share of jokes about him preferring Banff to NY...can't blame him, what a beautiful place), be frustrated and angry with how he does things and our lack of success, question his decision making (we'll be arguing about the Nash trade for decades), think that we need to change (I do to), but the insults are a bit much to take.