NY Rangers = America's Team
I'm sure we can get him for Stu Bickel...
Want him on the Rangers so bad
Perry is a beast, but I have zero interest paying him 8m+ for 7 years that he'll rightfully demand.
Just a feeling, not something I'm saying is hard fact; get the idea of the 2 Ducks prefer to keep Perry, move Getzlaf.
Given Getz is free agent after this season, as is Perry, and Ana could lose both; and is LESS likely to afford both now that salary next year is down...
If Richards waived his NMC, is there some attraction on both sides to something based around
Richards + X (not too much)
Getzlaf + y (y is for balance) ?
Ducks downgrade but retain quality short term, then have options to trade/buyout, etc after 3-4 seasons if/when Richards breaks down.
Rangers likely improve this year, depending upon how much Getz will bust his butt, which helps for those concerned with 'NOW'. Then for those seeking long term, we have options on inside track to keep Getzlaf, if we win cup will he take a little less to stay, if we can juggle otherwise for what we need.
I know if choose to use it on Richards because of his salary, we still have one buyout, so we don't HAVE to trade him to move his cap.
But I felt depending upon the throw-ins, this could be win-win.
I'm assuming Toronto would pick up half.His cap hit is $4.75M--what do you send out to fit him in?
I'm assuming Toronto would pick up half.
His cap hit is $4.75M--what do you send out to fit him in?
I'm assuming Toronto would pick up half.
I won't pretend to understand this but I think they would pay half on re-entry waivers, not straight waivers.
No more re-entry waivers. And now you can pick up salary/cap hit in trades, like in baseball. Apparently.
Ah screw this league.
Same here.I would be okay with Connolly at half the price. But I wouldn't move a whole lot for him. Maybe a prospect like Bourque. If it costs more than that than walk away and wait for the deadline.
If I'm the Rangers, I stay away from Perry. Something about him screams that he will be an albatross at his next stop. Getzlaf on the other hand.......
Well Getzlaf had like 12 goals last year. That worries me. I hope we don't get him and then he changes his name to Getz-last-laf.