From killing themselves to get a roster with multiple holes in it to game 7 of a Cup Final.
There's seriously an issue of entitlement here where the fans just think because they made a Cup Final last year they ought to just cruise back, the fact is that's actually very rare. Very few teams do that and the ones that do all pretty much solid up and down the lineup (good forwards, good D, AND good goaltending).
The Avs are sitting in 7th in the division, why do the Oilers deserve any better? And the Avs only had to put up with bad goaltending like through December, we've been saddled with it all year.
They are basically about where they should be. They're not at present a better team than Colorado (at best it's a wash) I don't think, especially not with the goaltending they have so why is the expectation that they should have a massively better record + sitting in 1st in their division?
I'm glad McDavid is not bailing the front office out. They don't deserve top flight results with the roster they've built, one guy shouldn't have to bail them out and push the team to massive over performance.