Nobody is answering for the VERY real possibility that given the slumps of two all stars AND all the other FA losses and injuries that we may have actually done WORSE that season and missed the PO's if we had not made the Nash trade. Based on Nash's actual performance last year it's actually fair to assume we could have missed the PO's. That doesn't mean it's a guarantee we would have but it is fair to assume it. Since that is the case it's simply ridiculous to state with certainty that the Nash trade hurt the team last year. Gab and Rich slumping DEFINITELY hurt the team there is NO arguing that. Injuries like Staal and Sauer DEFINITELY hurt the team.
Everyone is saying that it was a sum of the parts. You're the ONLY one dismissing the fact that one of those sums is irrelevant in the Nash trade.
It's not about how Nash performed last year, it's about how the TEAM performed. We disrupted some great chemistry that was built over multiple years.
Sure, Gaborik and Richards slumping had an effect on the team. But don't you think that MAYBE their slumping was somewhat relative to Nash coming in and becoming the star of the team. Taking time and pieces of their roles on the team away from them?
Gaborik went from Torts' go to guy to almost an afterthought who was constantly benched in critical moments.
Staal's injury hurt as well, although I though our defense was spectacular. Not to mention, the season before, we were in first place for the first half of the season without him.
Add to that the fact that Sauer had next to nothing to do with that team that went to the ECF.
YOu're right, there's no arguing that the injuries and the slumping played a major part in the setback for this team. But there's also no arguing that trading two of our most important players also did.