Not sure why people aren't seeing it already. Initially (last night) I was thinking Simmonds.. But after putting a couple of days of crumbs together it's fairly obvious, to me anyway...
Boomer drops his first, and most telling clue.. "Marty, Marty, Marty.. Only in a good way"..
Final game of the Olympics, " Whew, players involved in trade made it through healthy". Considering the players on the ice this morning, combined with the initial breadcrumb.. Hmmm..
Reuniting Peaches & Herb.. Narrows it down even further.. These players have played together before.
Also, not once has Boomer said no to MSL, he doesn't seem to have issues ruling every other guy off the list when asked..
For those wondering why Tampa would make such a trade... Possible player has a NTC and wants out, also has a really short list of possible destinations...Front office respects said player enough to get a deal done without a lot of drama surrounding the situation..