My thought is more that they realize losing Dermott this off-season, either via trade pre-expansion, or in the expansion draft, is a real possibility.
To throw a wild theory out there, maybe they consider exposing Muzzin. It would suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck to lose Muzzin, but we might rather expose him and his 5.625M for his age 33, 34, and 35 seasons. As much as we all love Muzzin, he's essentially a ticking time bomb at this point. We don't know if that's next season, middle of next season, two years from now, three years from now, or maybe he'll be effective into his late 30's. Not to say we WANT Muzzin to be taken, however, if we are losing a quality d-man, might as well be the oldest, and currently most risky contract?
TL;DR: Simply getting a look at Sandin, because he likely replaces Dermott full-time next season. If we want to go with wild theory, we might expose Muzzin, and are seeing if Sandin excels.
The problem with the expose Muzzin idea is that he's arguably the teams best D man (at least defensively) so losing a guy like him right when the team is trying to win doesn't strike me as the way to go.
Now obviously management structured his deal to give them the option if need be. But I don't think Muzzin has declined enough physically to warrant it