You are missing what I'm arguing.
I'm saying...Guerin gets ripped for not "winning trades" but then you have people saying Dumba isn't being moved because the ask is too high. So one one hand, he's not getting enough, and gets ripped, and on the other, he's asking too much for a player. Is he being directly ripped for that? No, but it is implied. And I have seen people ripping him for not getting rid of Dumba...more specfically related to keeping Fiala which I can already see will be the beaten to death topic here this season.
So, should the Wild GM, go for fair trades, or try to win them? Because "winning" them, would be getting "too much" for a player right?
So from my vantage point, he's either criticized because he's not getting enough, or criticized for not moving a player fast enough. Criticism of the GM should make sense, and in that vein, it most certainly doesn't.