a top 10 hard rock album imo . another one is deep purple ' machine head 'Bridge of Sighs is a pretty great record. It's been a while, so I'm gonna listen to it right now.
Got my tickets
Detroit 2022
I only watch NHL games from the 60's to the 80's. New teams aren't that good. lol
My buddy sparked up an internet friendship with Spiral Stairs. They're heading down to Detroit to attend that show. Hope you have a blast.
thanx dat's , will listen
Me and my buddy interviewed Mark Ibold way back when when they played St. Andrews in support of Wowee Zowee.
Ibold hated one of our questions: Were you hoping to throw people off your tracks with this album?
Really, it was such a departure in a lot of ways.
Like WTF
Still, that album has some of my favorites:
I love this song, though I remember drunkpuking to it once.
I vacillate between thinking it was their worst record or best record.
That's one of my favourites.
They had a lot of fun videos. From the Kids in the Hall Movie soundtrack:
How'd he answer that question?
Bob talks about it here about 1:44 in:
Here's one the classic rock fans can play "Name the lyric source" with:
Another good Built to Spill song: