Toronto Sports Media Discussion Thread - v7 (2022 Edition)


Registered User
Oct 27, 2022
I usually mute broadcast of the leafs ....unless I can sync Joe"s feed.

I find the TO media pathetic. All of them really. Its all just opinions like we have. They probably dont even watch all the games like us die hard fans do.

Toronto media is all about clicks and to stir the pot. They feed the haters egos in all honesty.
Half the time they spew jibberish and fans eat it up like its gospel. Its like the American listening to fox news about Trump. Say it enough ....say it with conviction and people will just believe without finding out facts for themselves.

Thats how I view TO media. Still hoping Kessel wears a hotdog costume to Toronto holding the cup. It will be his 3rd cup hopefully. Just to rub it in the Toronto media who constantly fabricated stuff to run him out of town.

Also....I’m really hoping our new GM runs a tight lipped organization like Dubas did. Nothing leaked from him and it was great seeing the mediots scramble for inside information. Usually they just spew crap and hide behind "my sources"

Orange man bad.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2022
well Steve actually with sportsnet sat down with players every year to start the season so yes, and he's talked about wanting to ask specific questions but NHL media relations/sportsnet media relations or the player agent says no in the pre-production meetings.

Sid may be the biggest sellout/media troll ever.

Well now that he is independent from Rogers and is working his own podcast exclusively he should put his money where his mouth allegedly is.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
Well now that he is independent from Rogers and is working his own podcast exclusively he should put his money where his mouth allegedly is.

Lol how does that change anything? Player agents and NHL media relations can and will still say no to certain questions. Him going independent isn’t going to change the industry standard
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Registered User
Feb 2, 2023
Dear Mr. Tanenbaum

You wrote a letter to the fans once. You said a lot of nice things in that letter. You apologized for the horrible loser hockey team you forced the "greatest fan base in the world" to watch for all those years.

Then you promised to deliver a team we all could be "proud" of.

It's been a long time since you wrote that letter Mr. Tanenbaum. I was just wondering if you planned on keeping that promise? Or are you a low life hypocrite turd just like my dear old man was?

You're either a liar or a failure Tanenbaum. Which one is it? There is no other choice.

Either way you're still a loser.

As a fan, someone that actually CARES about the team, I implore you to please sell to somebody that actually wants to win a Stanley Cup. Because, I'm sorry, but you've given fans no indication that is your motivation here. Broken promises, lowered expectations, and shattered dreams are the hallmark of a deadbeat dad and disgraced hockey team owner.

Another snapshot in the big book of good memories provided by Larry Tanenbaum and the Toronto Maple Leafs, May 12th, 2023.

Thanks for all the good times Larry.

Get bent, loser.

Sincerely yours,

A Long Time Fan
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Craig Button

The C is for Coward - Brad Marchand 2024
Jul 28, 2015
Leaf Nation Torontonistan
Dear Mr. Tanenbaum

You wrote a letter to the fans once. You said a lot of nice things in that letter. You apologized for the horrible loser hockey team you forced the "greatest fan base in the world" to watch for all those years.

Then you promised to deliver a team we all could be "proud" of.

It's been a long time since you wrote that letter Mr. Tanenbaum. I was just wondering if you planned on keeping that promise? Or are you a low life hypocrite turd just like my dear old man was?

You're either a liar or a failure Tanenbaum. Which one is it? There is no other choice.

Either way you're still a loser.

As a fan, someone that actually CARES about the team, I implore you to please sell to somebody that actually wants to win a Stanley Cup. Because, I'm sorry, but you've given fans no indication that is your motivation here. Broken promises, lowered expectations, and shattered dreams are the hallmark of a deadbeat dad and disgraced hockey team owner.

Another snapshot in the big book of good memories provided by Larry Tanenbaum and the Toronto Maple Leafs, May 12th, 2023.

Thanks for all the good times Larry.

Get bent, loser.

Sincerely yours,

A Long Time Fan

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Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
Waterloo, Ontario
Dear Mr. Tanenbaum

You wrote a letter to the fans once. You said a lot of nice things in that letter. You apologized for the horrible loser hockey team you forced the "greatest fan base in the world" to watch for all those years.

Then you promised to deliver a team we all could be "proud" of.

It's been a long time since you wrote that letter Mr. Tanenbaum. I was just wondering if you planned on keeping that promise? Or are you a low life hypocrite turd just like my dear old man was?

You're either a liar or a failure Tanenbaum. Which one is it? There is no other choice.

Either way you're still a loser.

As a fan, someone that actually CARES about the team, I implore you to please sell to somebody that actually wants to win a Stanley Cup. Because, I'm sorry, but you've given fans no indication that is your motivation here. Broken promises, lowered expectations, and shattered dreams are the hallmark of a deadbeat dad and disgraced hockey team owner.

Another snapshot in the big book of good memories provided by Larry Tanenbaum and the Toronto Maple Leafs, May 12th, 2023.

Thanks for all the good times Larry.

Get bent, loser.

Sincerely yours,

A Long Time Fan

I recommend you take a step back and think. How does the Leafs losing a playoff series actually affect my life? The answer is it doesn't.

If you believe the answer is it does, you are either in denial or should re-evaluate your situation so that you aren't reliant on something completely out of your control.

Your emotional attachment to a hockey team winning games isn't healthy. Sure they lost it's disappointing, but it is still just a game. Life goes on.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2013

Is this the type of objective reasoning governing the average fan?

It's objectively wrong, the team has been really strong for 7 years now.

They haven't won, but it hasn't been for a lack of trying, lack of funding, or by fielding an uncompetitive team.

On a personal note, make a list of the important things in life.
If the NHL, and/or the Leafs fall within the top 30 things, then reach out to friends and family.
Go out and spend some time outdoors.
Enroll in something that interests you that isn't hockey.

It's incredibly unhealthy to have such an emotional investment in a group of men who otherwise have no idea you exist.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2019
What do you guys use for basic Leafs news since their subreddit has now gone indefinetely dark (they're full of so many melodramatic losers as seen when Dubas wasn't renewed)?

I don't care enough about the team anymore to read any deep dive sort of stuff just basic news and all.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
Waterloo, Ontario

Is this the type of objective reasoning governing the average fan?

It's objectively wrong, the team has been really strong for 7 years now.

They haven't won, but it hasn't been for a lack of trying, lack of funding, or by fielding an uncompetitive team.

On a personal note, make a list of the important things in life.
If the NHL, and/or the Leafs fall within the top 30 things, then reach out to friends and family.
Go out and spend some time outdoors.
Enroll in something that interests you that isn't hockey.

It's incredibly unhealthy to have such an emotional investment in a group of men who otherwise have no idea you exist.

Exactly. Spend some more time with your family.

If you're hung up on sports Toronto has more than one team. Jays, TFC, Argos. Especially the Jays, they are good and just put a ton of money into the Rogers Center, they could use some support.
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Registered User
Feb 2, 2023
I recommend you take a step back and think. How does the Leafs losing a playoff series actually affect my life? The answer is it doesn't.

If you believe the answer is it does, you are either in denial or should re-evaluate your situation so that you aren't reliant on something completely out of your control.

Your emotional attachment to a hockey team winning games isn't healthy. Sure they lost it's disappointing, but it is still just a game. Life goes on.

I recommend you re-think your own position before worrying about someone else.

Does this sound familiar:

"I don't know if I can even watch this game, too stressful."
(May 10, 2023)

"This team is approaching Maple Leafs levels of infuriation"
(May 21, 2023)

Amazing the hypocrisy that can be found on even a hockey forum.

This, coming from someone who lives so vicariously through the team that every one of their THOUSANDS of messages refers to the team as "we", "us", "our".

Are you a member of this team now?

No wonder you get so offended when other people criticize them. You take it personally. Because in your mind you actually really are a part of the organization.

You buy a burger. It costs $5.00. It's made wrong. You complain.

But you pay thousands of dollars in tickets and merchandise every year and roll over accepting the losses.

It's ok to shit on a kid making minimum wage that screws up your burger, but don't dare say a word to criticize the millionaire athletes or their billionaire owners.

It's the fans that have allowed this team to become the laughingstock of the NHL.

Losers with a loser mentality supporting other losers losing and expecting the rest of us to do the same.
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Registered User
Feb 2, 2023

Is this the type of objective reasoning governing the average fan?

It's objectively wrong, the team has been really strong for 7 years now.

They haven't won, but it hasn't been for a lack of trying, lack of funding, or by fielding an uncompetitive team.

On a personal note, make a list of the important things in life.
If the NHL, and/or the Leafs fall within the top 30 things, then reach out to friends and family.
Go out and spend some time outdoors.
Enroll in something that interests you that isn't hockey.

It's incredibly unhealthy to have such an emotional investment in a group of men who otherwise have no idea you exist.


Attaching my mental and emotional well being to an ever changing group of athletes that don't know or care I exist wasn't a smart choice.

But here we are.

If I wanted to watch something just for entertainment and not care about the outcome I would just watch wrestling. Some fans are happy with the team just making the playoffs every year. Even if it means going out early and not winning anything.

Other fans want to set the bar of accountability a little higher.

This isn't the Salvation Army. The expectations should be higher. Much higher.

But hey, if you're happy with regular season success, why even watch the playoffs?

Just enjoy the 82 meaningless games alloted to the regular season every year and stop watching, happy knowing your favourite team made the playoffs.

That's the important thing.

Participation medals and feel good trophies for everyone.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
Waterloo, Ontario
I recommend you re-think your own position before worrying about someone else.

Does this sound familiar:

"I don't know if I can even watch this game, too stressful."
(May 10, 2023)

"This team is approaching Maple Leafs levels of infuriation"
(May 21, 2023)

Amazing the hypocrisy that can be found on even a hockey forum.

This, coming from someone who lives so vicariously through the team that every one of their THOUSANDS of messages refers to the team as "we", "is", "our".

Are you a member of this team now?

No wonder you get so offended when other people criticize them. You take it personally. Because in your mind you actually really are a part of the organization.

You buy a burger. It costs $5.00. It's made wrong. You complain.

But you pay thousands of dollars in tickets and merchandise every year and roll over accepting the losses.

It's ok to shit on a kid making minimum wage that screws up your burger, but don't dare say a word to criticize the millionaire athletes or their billionaire owners.

It's the fans that have allowed this team to become the laughingstock of the NHL.

Losers with a loser mentality supporting other losers losing and expecting the rest of us to do the same.


Attaching my mental and emotional well being to an ever changing group of athletes that don't know or care I exist wasn't a smart choice.

But here we are.

If I wanted to watch something just for entertainment and not care about the outcome I would just watch wrestling. Some fans are happy with the team just making the playoffs every year. Even if it means going out early and not winning anything.

Other fans want to set the bar of accountability a little higher.

This isn't the Salvation Army. The expectations should be higher. Much higher.

But hey, if you're happy with regular season success, why even watch the playoffs?

Just enjoy the 82 meaningless games alloted to the regular season every year and stop watching, happy knowing your favourite team made the playoffs.

That's the important thing.

Participation medals and feel good trophies for everyone.

Wow, simply wow. It's a f***ing game dude. We all get emotional while watching games but the day after we lose who cares im over it. I'm not going to act all depressed and mad at people who have no idea who I am and do not give a f*** what I think. You should too.

Until the Leafs losing actually affects my real life they can do whatever they want. I might disagree and voice my disagreement on HF but I'm not so emotionally attached that it continuously affect my daily life and state of mind.

I think they should fire Keefe but I'm not going to go to Larry's house with a sign telling him that.
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Registered User
Feb 2, 2023
Wow, simply wow. It's a f***ing game dude. We all get emotional while watching games but the day after we lose who cares im over it. I'm not going to act all depressed and mad at people who have no idea who I am and do not give a f*** what I think. You should too.

Until the Leafs losing actually affects my real life they can do whatever they want. I might disagree and voice my disagreement on HF but I'm not so emotionally attached that it continuously affect my daily life and state of mind.

I think they should fire Keefe but I'm not going to go to Larry's house with a sign telling him that.

Why so emotional?

If you don't care, then why are you swearing? Why so many thousands of messages associating yourself as part of the team?

I'm so confused.

Do you care about the team or not?

Because your aggressive reaction would indicate you do, but just don't want to admit it.

But you do you.

Pretend like you don't care, then post thousands of messages about how you're a part of the team, champ.

I'm sure the players and management will welcome you with open arms when you show up at the dressing room next game.


Rest in Peace Johnny Bower
Mar 23, 2008
Hockey Mecca, ON
Bell cut 1300 people today.

Employees were also informed that Winnipeg's Funny 1290, Calgary's Funny 1060, Edmonton's TSN 1260 Radio, Vancouver's BNN Bloomberg Radio 1410 and Funny 1040, along with London's NewsTalk 1290 would shutter
Also apparently Edmonton 1260 was a taken off while live on air?


Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
That leave’s Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal left. Likely due to listeners and/or profitability. Ottawa also went to ESPN radio 12-4 today. but they do that every summer, after hockey over and for vacations. Not sure about Montreal today.
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