as much as many here don't want to admit it, this is about ADA vs pionk. it certainly is. for sure.
they are both rightys. unless quinn sits shatty- which he wont because hes the vet righty damn, then one of those 2 guys has to sit. McQuaid, when healthy, is gonna play. we know that.
so heres the real issue. alot of this tony D stuff wouldn't even be happening, the benching and scratchings, if there werent 4 righty men who needed to play. of that group of 4, ADA is the odd man out and the benching and scratchings have alot to do with that imo, as much as tonys own behavior or whatever.
kids got a short leash. doesnt take much for him to take a seat and then you have 22, 44 and 54 out there every night.
believe what you want, but with his history and his short leash, quinn is taking the easy way out here by sitting ADA even though hes the most talented kid of those 4 by alot and his production has been well documented. kid even makes 18 a better player.
if pionk werent on this team, the ADA leash is ALOT longer, he plays every night and his production does the talking over whatever maturity issues he might have. much of this isnt even an issue.
i dont dislike quinn, i think hes smart, young focused guy, but i disagree with some of what hes done with ADA. hes saying the right things in his pressers and i believe he wants the best for the kid, but his methods havent been sound. I'm sorry.
and lastly, i give ZERO credit to quinn for ADA's play. none. play him and he will produce. yo-yo the kid in and out of the lineup and hell struggle. give him a sense of routine and let him get some timing and confidence and hell be money. continue to scratch him and he will struggle.
that's my take, fire away.