I know it is a bit extreme but honestly, is it completely wrong in its premise?
I think so. Quinn is not Hitch or Boudreau, guys in their mid/late-60's. He's 52. He's 52 and he has spent 15 years behind a college bench, and number of years behind an AHL bench. I've sure he's encountered dozens of young, cocky players over his life--he's been working with kids 18-24 for a long time, at BU where a hockey player would be big man on campus, the height of cockiness. I'm sure he's used to it.
Maybe he doesn't like it, but I'm sure he knows how to deal with it. Maybe he's upset that ADA is resisting? I don't know. I don't if ADA is actively resisting or just having trouble grasping and implementing what Quinn is preaching. But I would think Quinn would be well-equipped to handle the situation, given his background.
The idea, though, that it's just "old hockey coaches" taking issue with him and "old hockey writers" cooking up stories because they're old and crotchety, I don't see it. His coaches his final year in the OHL (where he was evidently seeing a sports psychologist) were Letowski and Keefe, who are 41 and 38
now, and clearly weren't "old coaches" when they had problems with him. Sheldon Keefe of all people should be able to relate to a young, cocky player.
His AHL coaches were 46 and 50. Zettler and Lamb. Yzerman, the GM that moved him, was 49 and extremely capable in his position. Was Tippett old at 55? Is that old? IDK. John Chayka moved him and he's literally as young as you can get. These aren't a bunch of dinosaurs that have had problems with the guy. If the problems hadn't followed him from junior through today, maybe there'd be something to it. But again--he's had maturity issues everywhere, and at least three organizations had him working with a psychologist--by his own admission. That's not cooked up, or played up.
And what's Brooks to do? Everyone bitches and moans that we don't know what's going on with ADA and Quinn and then he goes and publishes the most revelatory article we've seen on the matter by a country mile. And then it's, oh, well, Brooks has an agenda as some old writer. Come the f*** on.
It just boils down to the fact that some people love the kid because of the skill that he brings and refuse to accept any rationale for not playing him. They'll just say Quinn is stupid or coaches are old and judgmental and the writers are stupid. It's all preposterous.