Hell yeah dude that came out nice!i mentioned a while back about redoing a guitar i put together years ago out of random parts from a pile of piles or whatever... i was around 25... never did any electric guitar wiring or whatever.... it was based on johnny ramones mosrite
i made some mistakes while learning and at the same time discovered things that still form how i do things, approach projects.......make shit....
the idea was there. the delivery was off. at 47, it was time to bring it back.
it was weeks... and hours...
and days in between sometimes
single coil was unplayable, the squelch feedback neutered its basic usefulness .....the whole thing was ungrounded ....i was a f***ing hack
...also mention that those holes for bridge were drilled with a corded drill and off
i wanted to keep as much original...
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to the restore/rebuild... time to get wise. ..... body work
wood dowels and filler...sanding.....photos out of order .....dont matter.....it ends up with 10 coats of spray....(and a couple of touch ups in spots due to drinkin)
its not a f***ing 'candy apple' hard cover gloss ....this will wear out with play
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pickguard repair to resize and recut so no gaps when pickup is installed. (a great view of the back can be had later in wiring picture)
its a fine line and my shop was a mess... it was so cold out and everything was brittle as f***...... hooked up a hair dryer on a bungee above to pull down and keep things warm-ish ....but eventually it was done
yes theres too many holes in the pickguard......makes sense later
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i look at a schematic and wonder. it took a bit to take apart what i was looking and understand what it is im looking .... a way i process some types of information
moving on.
this is me drilling out the original cover to match the new single coil
i dont want a pickup that looks like a dentist's bleached teeth on this old friend
*new black cheap pickup in photo was changed out for a better one...but no photos....
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original cover gets the damn right solder iron melt bend treatment.......it sucked .....i was sooo cold out there
black line it the uncut part which i would eventually do to shorten the height
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again, wiring.... and lo and behold.... i figured it out
B 500k pots ...all 3 linear.... (on what they do?? later)
*note structural plastic parts from aforementioned pickguard repair and cheat sheet sharpie wiring drawings..... and f***! ..... that hanging hot solder on the top right of the photo....like pavlov's dog i learned to stop hitting with the back of my hand while dangled there from the ceiling...f***
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the bridge.
the reason a guitar can suck hard and be no better than fuel for a f***ing camp hotdog cook out is intonation.
older style of bridges (this type) only gave you one chance to hit the right spot.....now the 2 post have a tolerance due to the slotted post hole which are adjustable forward/back to essentially 'calibrate' the setup with allen key
(jumping ahead here in the story to finished guitar........the intonation is dead on)
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ok. lets neck!
from an old pile.... someone did some homemade job before i got it....
frets are intentionally flat in style.....the headstock has some gloss finish which i kept but i hated it on the back of the neck so i sanded it ....
it took not even 10 minutes by hand for the back of the neck (insert TWSS joke)
but its smooth ...much better feel
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the nut!
things get exciting now.....if one thinks two and a half hours of cutting and sanding is fun
... it smells like burning bone.....its deer antler
but its hard as f*** and perfect for instruments
before .....the old one was done
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after... but before shaping and notching
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completed back
yes, unpainted like original
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front.... missing the knobs in the photo
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its f***ing back!
humbucker enjoys the unconventional vertically stacked dials.. volume and tone.
single coil just gets a volume ...and yes, it's angled the other way compared to how most singles at the bridge are on guitars... gives a bit more room for right hand to deal with the volume knob for neck pickup
same old top hat dials from then years ago...real smooth and space, three fingers can run the 2 knobs....
the 3 channel switch also from then...i remember lopping off the metal part and using a torch to 'weld' on the plastic knob...... i wanted a shorter toggle to keep out of the way of my paw hands.....
the body was reshaped from old something.....its solid.
i could go on.. (and ive missed out on plenty of things im sure).... this was the minimum i could write about this to give enough of the story behind the guitar
rip it up!
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I’ve painted a couple of guitars over the years, never rewired anything though.